Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
22nd September 2020
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jammu welcomes the revival package announced by the Hon’ble Lt Governor of J&K Sh. Manoj Sinha to provide support and succor to the trade and business sector of J&K. The Chamber thanks the UT government for understanding that Jammu and Kashmir trade and industry has been suffering due to multiple reasons for more than two decades which includes militancy, lack of infrastructure, change in tax regime, positive constitutional changes and now the lockdowns due to the pandemic situation. The losses suffered by businesses are gigantic which no government can make good fully yet the present package of Rupees 1350 crore will serve as a breather for the time being. The erosion of capital in nearly every sector of trade and industry has taken the state backward by decades.
The chamber is grateful that some support has been provided to most of the sectors but there are many areas which have not been covered. A detailed analysis will be carried out by the chamber and will be brought to the notice of the chairman of the committee Hon’ble Sh. K.K. Sharma whose efforts in the formation of the package are exemplary and laudable.
The chamber also thanks all the members for providing inputs in finalizing the proposal which was submitted before the special committee and also calls for their cooperation in future as well.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
15th February 2020

A function was organised by JCCI today as a part of strengthening the ties and cooperation between business community and the Police force for better law and order situation and drug free society.
Chief Guest on this occasion was Sh. Garib Dass, IPS IGP Headquarter and Special Guests included Sh. Tejinder Singh,IPS SSP, Sh. Shridhar Patil, IPS SSP Jammu, Ms. P.D.Nitya,IPS SP North and Sh. Vinay Sharma, JKPS, SP South.
Prominently present were also the heads of various business associations affiliated to JCCI and senior members.
While speaking on the occasion the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta once again assured cooperation to the Police force and stressed upon the fact that peace was imperative for booming economy which was much needed at this hour in the newly formed Union Territory.
Sh. Garib Dass,IPS while speaking on the occasion appreciated the role of Jammu Chamber and lauded its cooperation at all times. He also said that a booming industry is the only choice to make India progress by leaps and bounds.
Sh. Tejinder Singh, IPS was also felicitated and honoured for his successful tenure in Jammu and also his deputation to the prestigious National Investigating Agency(NIA).
Also present on the occasion include Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
12th February 2020

At a function organised by JCCI to felicitate Padam Shree Mr. Balwant Thakur presently Cultural Diplomat of India to South Africa and heading ICCR’s Swami Vivekanand Cultural Centre Johnsonburg alonwith Sh. Dilbag Singh,IPS, Director General of Police J&K, Sh. K.K.Gandhi eminent artist presented a beautiful painting on the theme of nature to Sh. Dilbag Singh,IPS Director General of Police J&K which was appreciated by him. The Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his team also thanked Sh. K.K.Gandhi for his hardwork and exhibiting the mother nature at its best.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
11th February 2020

Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu today organised a felicitation ceremony to honour Padam Shri Mr. Balwant Thakur at Chamber House. Mr. Dilbag Singh, IPS Director General of Police J&K was the Chief Guest on the occasion and Shridhar Patil, IPS SSP Jammu was the Guest of Honour. The main purpose of the event was to felicitate Mr. Balwant Thakur presently Cultural Diplomat of India to South Africa and heading ICCR’s Swami Vivekanand Cultural Centre Johnsonburg and contributing alot in representing India throughout the globe. During the Ceremony Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI formally welcomed the guests which was followed by the felicitation of Mr. Balwant Thakur and Mr. Dilbag Singh.
Mr. Balwant Thakur in his address recognised the efforts of JCCI in felicitating him and assured that he will keep up with the kind of work he is doing.
Mr. Dilbag Singh, IPS Director General of Police lauded the role of J&K Police and appreciated the efforts of JCCI in conducting such events. Formal Vote of Thanks was presented by Mr. Gaurav Gupta Secretary JCCI.
The other Office bearers of CCI present on the occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
30th January 2020

In an urgent communication to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi, The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta listed demands for consideration in the Union Budget. The communication read as under:
Most Respectfully, we would like to submit that Jammu province has been ignored and being discriminated ever since 1947. We urge your goodselves to intervene personally and do some justice to the business community and people at large by announcing some special specified allocations and projects for Jammu province. We request the below points for your kind consideration.
1. That we expect the Union Government to announce establishment of a Mother Industry at Jammu which would be a great step towards not only attracting the private industrialists but also give thousands of jobs to the jobless youth in the province.
2. That we request your goodselves to announce special incentives for setting up of Industrial units but such incentives be spread over for atleast 15 years for disbursement & not linked with investment in Plant and Machinery.
3. That we also request your goodselves to consider allocation of funds for development of new industrial infra in Jammu province for setting up of industrial units.
4. That we also demand and request establishment of Inland Container Depot near Jammu on war footing.
5. That we also request setting up of IT Park in or around Jammu.
6. That we request your goodselves kindly to announce social security atleast for the approximately 5% Income Tax payers as it would be a huge encouragement for the honest Tax Payers who are contributing towards nation building.
7. That it is our earnest request that the existing Industrial Units established by the J&K residents should be given special protection and provisions be incorporated like mandatory purchase preference by the government/ semi government projects so that they could survive the competition with the big existing and the new industrial units that would be setting up their units in J&K.
8. That we also request the incentives should not only be for the new industrial units to be established but also for the existing Industrial units.
9. That we request to increase the audit limit under the GST regime from presently Rs. 2 crores to at least 5 crores which would be a great relief to the small business houses.
10. That we request your goodselves to address a human issue which may have gone un noticed until now that is medical insurance cover for specially Abled/Handicapped people who are not entitled to medical insurance which we feel is against humanity and is discriminatory. We urge t your goodselves to allow medical insurance cover for such people which may exclude the pre-existing disability.
Also present on this Press Conference Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI and Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
29th January 2020

The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his Office bearers called upon the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax Ms. Mona Singh, IRS in her office chambers today. During the interaction the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax conveyed her serious concerns about drop in the non filling of Income Tax Returns, False Claims for refund in lieu of TDS, Sale and Purchase of land through cash transactions and non payment of tax on capital gains.
JCCI President assured the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax that as usual the business community throughout Jammu Province will be major contributor towards Income Tax and shall follow the same always. He also pointed out that because of the prevailing law and order situation the business and economy was at its worst and same should not be ignored while considering tax collection targets.
JCCI President urged upon the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax that the business community as well as individual tax payers are caught up in an unusual awkward situation which is like being asked to use software on a computer which does not have proper hardware. He requested the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax to take up the matter of restoration of Internet connectivity throughout the Union Territory to enable the people at large to file their Income Tax Returns and also urged upon her kindly to recommend to the Union Finance Ministry to urgently extend the dates for filling of all sorts of Income Tax Returns upto 31st March 2020.
The Chamber President also assured Principal Commissioner of Income Tax that a word of advice shall be sent through Chamber Office to heads of all affiliated business associations in Jammu and across Jammu Province to convey to their members to file the Income Tax Returns at the earliest as soon as the Internet connectivity is restored.
Also present on this occasion were Sh. S.K.Sharma, IRS Additional Commissioner of Income Tax, Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI and Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
17th January 2020

The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his Office Bearers Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General & Sh. Ashu Gupta Treasurer visited Drug De-addiction Centre today. The sole purpose of this visit was JCCI’s pledge to fight the menace of drugs as a part of social corporate responsibility.
This occasion was graced by Sh. Mukesh Singh,IPS IGP Jammu. On this occasion the members of JCCI who had contributed monetarily for purchase of Air Conditioners, LED TVs and Audio System for the Drug De-Addiction Centre were also present. These prominently included Sh. Charanjit Singh, Sh. Yashpal Singh and also Dr. Sunniya Wani ,KPS who had contributed a substantial amount from her salary during the Drug De-Addiction function held at Chamber House in the recent past.
The Chamber President thanked the IGP Jammu for his visit and also congratulated him for getting a huge chunk of land allotted for Drug De-addiction centre in the heart of City.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 6th January 2020

Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President Chamber of Commerce & Industry has today sent series of communications to Sh. G.C. Murmu, Hon’ble Lt. Governor J&K for kind consideration & urgent intervention . The communications sent are as under:-
Renewal of Registration as Pharmacists under J&K Pharmacy Act
Most humbly we would like to request to your goodselves to consider the below facts regarding renewal of Registration as Pharmacists under the J&K Pharmacy Act prior to the extension of Central Pharmacy Act w.e.f 31st October 2019:
· That more than 20,000 registrations approximately on experience and skill basis were done under the J&K State Pharmacy Act which were accepted and legally passed by the State Assembly and the Cabinet.
· That it is pertinent to note that there were no Pharmacy Colleges at that point of time resulting in huge dearth of people to dispense Medicines against the prescriptions of the Doctors.
· That it may not be out of place to mention that Drugs and Cosmetics Act of Government of India was fully in force in the State under which licenses were issued to such registered pharmacists.
· That many people registered as pharmacists after getting Medical Assistant training for two years in recognised Para Medical Colleges in the State were also registered under the J&K Pharmacy Act.
· That any denial to renew the above mentioned registrations would result in loss of livelihood being provided by 20,000 Medical Outlets which would mean snatching bread and butter from 5 lacs people.
We would like request your goodselves kindly to consider the above facts and circumstances under which the said registrations were done and that we are of the firm view that the legitimate actions done as a State before 31st October 2019 cannot be legally undone now.
One Time Road Tax on Motor Vehicles
We take this opportunity to once again remind your goodselves for reconsideration of irrational increase of One Time Road Tax on Motor Vehicles imposed last year. It is pertinent to note that the Automobile Industry in J&K employees nearly 10,000 skilled people and Enjoys Zero% support from the Government. We would also like to bring to your kind notice that the last month sales data shows a minus 46% figure in sales which is alarming.
It is pertinent to note that such huge loss of sales in a place where Public Transport facilities like OLA, UBER and Metro are not available needs to be introspected and corrective measures taken. We also would like to point out that the loss in sales has also resulted in huge of GST Revenue which is not getting noticed by the Administration.
We once again most humbly request your goodselves kindly to slash this One Time Road Tax of 9% by 50%. Keeping in View the capita income in J&K
Incentives to MSME Sector
Sir, we take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice that the MSME Sector is suffering badly on account of various reasons in addition to the continuous and recurrent law and order problems in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. We would like to request for your personal intervention into the said matter so that the manufacturers and service industry are able to sustain during this trend of slow down.
We request your goodselves kindly to strongly recommend the extension of special package from Government of India which is expiring on 31st March 2020 and also recommend that the same should not be only for new investors but also for old existing units. We would also bring to your kind notice that after the introduction of GEM PORTAL the 20% purchase preference that the local Industry was enjoying is no more available. Hence some incentives in lieu of same be the strongly recommended.
Running Losses Post August 05,2019
We take this opportunity to request your goodselves to constitute a panel to assess the factual huge running losses being faced by the business houses in J&K Post August 05,2019 on account of continuous shutdown, law and order problems and non availability of Internet connectivity.
We would most humbly request your goodselves that constitution of such panel shall enable the business houses to file individually the quantum of running losses on account of the rentals / salaries etc. for compensation
One Time Amnesty in VAT Period / Pre VAT Period
Most Humbly we would like to submit that amnesties were often given on account of interest and penalties levied on the assesses during the Pre VAT and VAT period which were a great sigh of relief for the business houses across J&K.
We would like to bring to your kind notice that many assessments were done by the Commercial Tax Department and Excise Department after the Expiry of Amnesty Period hence we request your goodselves to announce one time amnesty for the Pre VAT & VAT period which will save the assesses from constant harassment and also save time of the administration from getting into litigation.
Outsourcing of Super Speciality Hospital
We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice that it is most unfortunate that in this 21 century we still have zero% critical health care facilities in Jammu. We would strongly recommend outsourcing of Super Speciality Hospital at Mehashpura which has a huge infrastructure and was built by huge funds provided by Government of India but unfortunately could not provide & serve the purpose of critical health care facility.
We request your goodselves for urgent intervention and request to outsource the same after advertising nationally an EOI at the earliest that would be great step towards the suffering humanity who have to rush outside Jammu for petty ailments.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 31st December 2019

An urgent Press Conference was convened today at Chamber House. Speaking on the occasion the President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta thanked Sh. Amit Shah, Hon’ble Union Home Minister, Sh. G.C. Murmu, Hon’ble Lt. Governor J&K and Sh. Ravinder Raina, State President BJP for agreeing to the long pending demand of Jammu Chamber and getting the notification issued wherein the Lakhanpur Toll Post shall seized to exist w.e.f January 2020. The JCCI President further said that the Lakhanpur Excise Toll levy was not less than a Jazia tax since 1995 that continued even after the implementation of GST. He further said that it will be a big sigh of relief to the common consumers from whose pockets this tax was being pick pocketed. He also said that uninterrupted movement of goods shall result in less logistics cost and save time too. He also appealed to the government to also issue subsequent notification removing the toll post at Railway Station and other places at the earliest so that “One Nation One Tax” is implemented in TOTO.
JCCI President also said that this major demand has been met with and other major demands shall again be represented to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor J&K that include restoration of Net Connectivity, Review one time road tax increased irrationally up to 1250%, Assess the running losses by the business establishments post 05 August 2019, Review Excise Policy on Liquor, Announcing One Time Amnesty on old GST and VAT period, Outsourcing of Super Speciality Hospital in Jammu and Simplifying the Building norms.
Among others present on the occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General JCCI, Sh. Yash Pal Gupta, President, Federation of Retailers Association, Sh. Surinder Gupta, President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Anoop Mittal, President Kanak Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Surinder Mahajan, Chairman Purani Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Joginder Gupta, General Secretary Old Hospital Road Traders Association, Sh. Ramesh Tak, President Bus Stand Businessmen Association and others.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 13th December 2019

The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith Secretary General Sh. Manish Gupta and Secretary Sh. Gaurav Gupta participated today in a meeting convened by Sh. S.K.Sharma,IRS Additional Commissioner of Income Tax. The purpose of the meeting was regarding the payment of Advance Tax falling due on December 15,2019.
Sh. S.K.Sharma, IRS Additional Commissioner Income Tax conveyed to the Chamber President and also the representatives of Chartered Accountants fraternity and other tax consultants that the Income Tax department is keeping close watch on the unorganised sector and some professionals who are evading payment of tax proportionate to their Income and requested to those present in the meeting to make one and all aware to deposit the advance Income tax proportionate to their Income to avoid any action from the department. He further said that payment of Income Tax was something which manifested the feeling of every citizen towards The Nation Building.
Chamber President alongwith his Office bearers assured the Income tax department of full cooperation as always and also assured the department that message from Chamber shall be flashed to all business association heads in various districts in Jammu province.
The Chamber President also requested Sh. S.K.Sharma, IRS Additional Commissioner Income Tax kindly to take up the matter with CBDT and get the last date for filing of Income Tax returns extended and also said that the BSNL’s claimed connectivity of broadband across Jammu province was of very poor quality and people were feeling it hard to operate their systems.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 30th October 2019

The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta while addressing the Media said “unequivocably we condemn the killing of innocent truckers who are maintaining the lifeline for every Kashmiri despite such incidents and ground situation and the labourers in the Kashmir Valley”. The JCCI President demanded substantial & adequate monetary compensation for the kins of all deceased. The Chamber President directly blamed the Pakistani agencies behind these selective killings and also advised the political parties in opposition to stand together in the interest of the nation and blame the rouge neighbours for these killings which provoke & inflame communal feelings and also bleed economy of the state and the country. The Chamber President also said that we are for Trade and Tourism and not for Terrorism.
The Chamber President also welcomed the appointment of first Hon’ble Lt. Governor Sh. Girish Chandra Murmu, IAS and pinned high hopes on him considering his integrity and diligence. He expressed lot of expectations with regard to good governance, plugging the gap between the common masses and the administration, making public servants accountable and take exemplary and stringent actions against corruption. He also hoped that officers of integrity shall be appointed at important positions and also that the new Lt. Governor shall bring a full stop to the untimely transfers which has become like a industry in the administration.
The Chamber President urged to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor to evolve the practice of taking all stakeholders on board and avoid unilateral decisions as was being done recently. He also hoped that from 1st of November “ONE NATION ONE TAX” shall be implemented in letter and spirit without any ifs and buts.
Also present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vic e President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer, Sh. Harasis Singh, President LPG Tank Truck Union and Sh. Devinder Singh, General Secretary All J&K Oil, Tankers and Drivers and Cleaners Association.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 23rd October 2019

The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta called upon Sh. P.K.Bhat, KAS ,Commissioner State Taxes in his Srinagar Office.
The JCCI President thanked the Commissioner for extending the exemption for E-way bills upto 20th November 2019.
The JCCI President also requested the Commissioner to strongly recommend extension for filing returns for GSTR-(3B, 1 and 7) because of mostly no Internet connectivity. The State Taxes Commissioner assured the JCCI President that the same shall be recommended to the GST Council.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 11th October 2019

The Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu shall be holding a Mega Event ‘Harmony 2019 - Hunt for Jammu Ki Awaz’ a Musical Evening tomorrow at Teachers Bhawan Auditorium Gandhi Nagar Jammu at 4.30 PM. The Chief Guest on the occasion shall be Jenab Farooq Khan, IPS Advisor to the Hon’ble Governor, Sh. Mukesh Singh,IPS, IGP Jammu shall be the Guest of Honour and the Celebrity Guests shall be Sh. Lalit Pandit of the famous Jatin-Lalit Music Composer duo and Vijeta Pandit.
The JCCI is organising this event for Peace in J&K, promoting young singing sensations and to thank Security forces who are working in extreme conditions for the welfare of the People. The Invitation is open to all and the sitting shall be on first come first basis. Chamber appeals to all its members and Jammuites to participate in the event and make it a grand success.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 10th October 2019

CCI Jammu organises ‘Harmony 2019’ in association with 92.7 Big FM; Top 11 to perform in front of Bollywood celebs
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jammu chapter and 92.7 Big FM held auditions for the mega event ‘Harmony 2019- Hunt for Jammu Ki Awaaz’ supported by Monalisa to promote peace and harmony and at the same time to provide a platform to the budding singers of Jammu to showcase their singing talent in front of Bollywood Celebrities Lalit Pandit of the famous Jatin-Lalit music composer duo and Vijeta Pandit.
President CCI Rakesh Gupta welcomed all the guests and contestants and briefed that the purpose of Harmony 2019 is to promote peace and harmony in the region. More than a hundred contestants from different schools, colleges and other fields turned up to avail of this golden chance in the auditorium of CCI, Bahu Plaza. The participants included children from the age of fifteen to elderly who tried their best to impress the judges with their exceptional singing skills and get their ticket to finale to be held on October 12, 2019 at Teacher Bhawan auditorium Gandhi Nagar.
The tough task of judgement to choose the top 11 from hundreds of talented ones was assigned to Jammu’s young singing sensations Sonali Dogra and Rabjot Singh who have marked their name internally at such a young age and are making Jammu proud. The top ten names that they finally chose were- Suhani Sharma, Shubam Banerjee, Fahad Rather, Nirdosh Kumari, Surbhi Sharma, Nirmal Kumar, Rahul Lakhnotra, Khushi Kichloo, Amos Sotra, Nandani Kapoor and Khushboo Naveen
Also present on the occasion were Mr. Pradeep Dutta, Senior Journalist, Mr Vikrant Sharma, Area Manager 92.7 Big FM; Qadeer Ahmed Khan, Cluster Programming Head, Big FM J&K and Punjab; Sahil Choudhary and Big RJs - RJ Juhie, RJ Rahul and RJ Roohi Singh.
The show was entertainingly hosted by Shabina Kousar from MAM College.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 3rd October 2019
The President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sh. Rakesh Gupta in an urgent communication to Hon’ble Governor J&K Sh. Satya Pal Malik requested him to urgently consider the genuine demand raised during the Joint Delegation meeting on September 19,2019 regarding “ONE TIME TAX” on purchase of Motor Vehicles & Review the Implementation of Motor Vehicles Act in the State of J&K. The Communication sent reads as under:-
We take this opportunity to remind your goodselves that during our meeting with your goodselves on September 19,2019 at Raj Bhawan Srinagar, you had been very courteous and kind enough to assure us to consider all our genuine demands regarding “ONE TIME TAX” on purchase of Motor Vehicles and “Review the Implementation of Motor Vehicle Act” in the State of J&K.
Sir, being the citizens of the largest democracy in the world we expect that your goodselves shall reconsider & decide on these two above mentioned issues at the earliest as the unilateral decision of “ONE TIME TAX” on purchase of Motor Vehicles from approximately 1.77% to 9% according to last year’s tax collection has not only shattered the Automobile Industry but is also threatening 10000 skilled jobs in the State. We are pretty sure and hope that your goodselves shall take into consideration the logic behind our demands and especially the per capita Income and financial ranking of the State.
Sir, a logical decision in this regard is urgently awaited so that we could pass on the decision of the highest office in the State to one and all to end this State of confusion.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 28th September 2019
The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta who is also the President of Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association convened an urgent General Body Meeting of Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association in wake of growing drug menace in an around Jammu City. On the request of JCCI President, Sh. Tejinder Singh, IPS SSP Jammu and Sh. Iqbal Palla, Assistant Controller Food and Drug Organisation also graced the occasion.
During deliberations the SSP Jammu and the ADC explained various aspects of the growing drug menace and asked all the Pharma Wholesale distributors to be extra vigilant while selling drugs that can be misused for intoxication by youth. They further said that any Chemist asking for supply of extra quantity of such drugs which he has not ordered in routine before should be reported immediately to the government authorities. The SSP Jammu also apprised the house about recent stringent action taken against the drug peddlers.
On the occasion Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association President Sh. Rakesh Gupta requested the SSP Jammu and the ADC Jammu to provide the list of those involved in drug peddling among the Chemists and assured that no supply of medicine shall be made to such people who are hell-bent upon destroying the youth and that they have no right to stay in the business of medicines and need to be punished.
Also to strengthen the working of the Pharma Association, a unanimous decision was taken by the house wherein new Office Bearers were announced in one voice. These include Sh. Rakesh Gupta and Sh. Rajan Gupta as President and Secretary General respectively, Sh. Ajay Gupta as Sr. Vice President, Sh. Brijesh Gupta as Vice President, Sh. Ravinder Gandral as Secretary and Sh. Manmeet Singh as Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 27th September 2019
In an urgent communication the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta has urged the Hon’ble Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmla Sitharaman for extension of due dates to file Income Tax Returns 2008-19 in the State of J&K upto March 2020. The Communication reads as under:-
We take this opportunity to thank your goodselves for extending the due dates of filling Income Tax Returns and Tax Audit Reports of Assesses whose accounts are required to be Audited till 31st October 2019 Pan India. However no exemption has been extended to the State of J&K as requested by us in our earlier communication to your office.
Madam, Please note that the Internet Connectivity was snapped in the State on August 5,2019 and still continue to remain so. We most humbly request your goodselves to extend the due dates for filling of Income Tax Returns for “NON AUDIT ASSESSES” whose due date was earlier extended to 31st August. However, we feel that it shall be a tough task for the professionals of our state to file Income Tax Returns and conduct Tax Audit by 31st October as Net connectivity may not be resumed because of security concerns. Hence due date for all categories of Income Tax Returns may please be extended upto March 31,2020.
Madam, we request you kindly to consider our request as a priority because the economy of the State is already fast deteriorating being remotely located, an Intrastate Trade Economy and the prevailing law and order situation.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 25th September 2019

Addressing the Media JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta congratulated the Respected Advisor Sh. Vijay Kumar, Sh. B.V.R Subramanayam, IAS Chief Secretary J&K, Sh. Dilbag Singh, IPS DGP J&K, Sh. Mukesh Singh, IPS IGP Jammu and all officers and Jawans of different Security Agencies on their great achievement by arresting and busting the Hizbul Network in Kishtwar with their coordinated efforts. He said that since November last year there was an atmosphere of fear prevailing among the masses especially in the town of Kishtwar where Militants were carrying out their activities killing innocents one after the another. The JCCI President appealed to the Director General of Police that it should be thoroughly probed and ascertained that who were the political and non-political forces sheltering the arrested Militants and also be brought to book under law.
The JCCI President further appealed to the Hon’ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik and the respected Chief Secretary to urgently consider the demand of JCCI to withdraw the high percentage of One Time Tax on purchase of Motor Vehicles. He further appealed to the Hon’ble Governor that on the eve of Navrataras the people were waiting for withdrawal of this high tax so that as per traditions the people at large could purchase new Vehicles which shall not be possible in case the SRO 492 is not withdrawn or amended. The JCCI President expressed positivity that the government shall keep in mind the sentiments of the people at large and also the deteriorating economy of the State.
The Chamber President also urged the Hon’ble Governor to consider restoring Internet facilities in those parts of the State where there was totally no law and order problem after consulting the concerned security agencies as the JCCI also feels that National interest and security concerns are paramount. He also requested the Governor’s Administration to kindly consider the running business losses accumulating due to non-availability of Internet facilities.
The other office bearers of CCI present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 14th September 2019

On the request of District Administration the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Sh. T.S. Wazir, Chairman J&K Transport Welfare Association and Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council accompanied by Office Bearers of JCCI and Transport Associations met the Dy. Commissioner Jammu Madam Sushma Chauhan, IAS and SSP Jammu Sh. Tajinder Pal Singh, IPS.
The Dy. Commissioner conveyed the message of the Hon’ble Governor to the visiting delegation that a meeting has been fixed on September 19,2019 Thursday in Srinagar by the Hon’ble Governor where in the Stakeholders shall be invited in presence of the concern officers of the departments regarding which the issues and demands have been raised for which the Jammu Bandh was announced for September 16 Monday.
After threadbare discussions the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Sh. T.S. Wazir, Chairman J&K Transport Welfare Association and Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council urged that in future before taking any policy decisions the stakeholders must be consulted and then only decisions taken. On the assurance of the Hon’ble Governor as conveyed by the District Administration it was decided to defer the Jammu Bandh Call for September 16 Monday and that future course of action shall only be decided in case the genuine demands in question are not addressed and accepted.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 12th September 2019
A Joint Press Conference was today addressed by JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Sh. T.S. Wazir, Chairman J&K Transport Welfare Association, Sh. Neeraj Anand, President Chamber of Trader Federation and Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council on the burning issues and demands which were not being addressed by the State Administration despite the fact that the JCCI, J&K Transport Welfare Association and Chamber of Traders Federation met the concerned Advisors personally, sent written communications to the Hon’ble Governor and also raised demands and issues through Media particularly regarding the recent levy of taxes, users charges by Municipal Corporation, One Time Tax on Motor Vehicles Implementation of Central Motor Vehicle Act 2019, extension in Dates for filing of Income Tax and GST Returns, unabated corruption and lack of basic amenities in particular the supply of power. While speaking on the occasion the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta categorically warned the Administration that the autocratic and adamant attitude of the government during the transition time from State to UT has forced all the Stakeholders to come together and take an agitational path. He said that on one hand the business community is suffering badly because of prevailing situation and on the other hand the State Administration is imposing taxes and penalties without any consultation with the Stakeholders. He further said that the per capita income and financial ranking of the state should be the prime consideration before imposing any levies. He further said that recent notifications issued by Municipal Corporation regarding levy of hefty users charges, One Time Tax on Motor Vehicles and implementation of Central Motor Vehicle Act 2019 by the Transport Department should be immediately cancelled and JCCI shall not negotiate and compromise on all these demands. He further said that “Hamare Hindusthan mei corruption karne wale chahey woh Ex-Union Home Minister ho ya Ex-Chief Minister ho ya in service Top Cops aur Bureaucrats hoon un sabko Jail ki salakhon ke peeche bej diya gaya,” but mere Hindusthan ke J&K mai even during Governor’s rule the Sarghanas of Corruption are enjoying seats of Power. He appealed to the Hon’ble Governor to check the menace of corruption and make the babus accountable which will result in huge revenue in the existing system of the government and would not require levy of any additional levies. He also said that JCCI did not even raise the demand for net connectivity till now keeping into consideration the national interest and the security concerns inspite of the business world facing huge losses.
The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that if our demands are not met by coming Sunday then “One day peaceful Jammu Province Bandh and Chaka Jam shall be observed on September 16 Monday”. He further appealed to all the people at large to observe this one day peaceful bandh without any protests on the roads to convey our concerns to the government.
Sh. T.S.Wazir Chairman J&K Transport Welfare Association while speaking on the occasion cautioned the government that the State Administration is forcing us to take agitational path which we were avoiding till now and urged to the Hon’ble Governor for his personal intervention to get these unjust notifications withdrawn and cancelled immediately. He further assured all support to the one day Jammu Province Bandh on September 16, Monday as the condition of the Transporters is getting worst day by day.
Sh. Neeraj Anand, President Chamber of Traders Federation while speaking on the occasion extended full support to the initiatives taken by JCCI for the betterment of business community of J&K. He further said that post abrogation of Article 370 there is immediate need for the Transportation of Horticulture produce from the Valley i.e Apple and Walnuts because this is the peak season for the same and crores of rupees of Jammu Business Community have been paid in advance to the growers of the valley. We had already taken up the issues with the concerned authorities and expect that an urgent decision in this regard for a dedicated corridor to ship the consignments from Valley to Jammu be facilitated so that our traders from Jammu be saved from huge losses in the shape of bank interest and business losses failing which there will be no scope left other than going for an agitational path.
Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council while speaking on the occasion welcomed the decision of President JCCI as the issues and demand raised were not only effecting the farmers but people at large. He too assured full support to Jammu Province Bandh on 16 September Monday.
Among other present in the meeting include Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer CCI, and Presidents of different Trade, Transport, Hoteliers and Tourism Associations.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 7th September 2019

The Dy. Mayor Smt. Purnima Sharma alongwith the Commissioner JMC Sh. Pankaj Magotra,KAS visited the Chamber House today to have formal meeting with the JCCI.
At the outset JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta assured the visiting dignitaries that being an important stakeholder we fully realise that the JMC requires the funds to create good infra as also to keep the city clean but before imposing any levy JMC should always consult JCCI for suggestions so that issues could be decided mutually. The JCCI President strongly protested against the unilateral decision of the JCM imposing heavy levies on the Traders, Hoteliers and different sections of the business community and categorically said that after extensive consultations with all the affiliated associations the Chamber is of the view that we shall not pay even a singly peny as additional levy given the worst business conditions we are facing because of law and order problems in the state. He further advised to JMC first to do proper home work and set their internal system in place and arrive at a workable plan to be discussed with JCCI before arriving at such decisions.
Later the JMC Commissioner Sh. Pankaj Magotra explained various reasons for imposing all taxes and levies to make JMC cash rich to provide better living conditions in Jammu. He also answered the different queries raised by different heads of various associations present in the meeting.
Smt. Purnima Sharma, Hon’ble Dy. Mayor JMC while speaking on the occasion announced the decision to defer to imposition of all kinds of levies announced by JMC few days before and to maintain status quo and assured one and all that any proposals in future regarding levies shall be discussed with the JCCI first and then only the notification shall be issued.
Among other present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer CCI, Sh. Jugal Mahajan, Ex-President JCCI, Sh. Vijay Aggarwal, Ex-.President JCCI, Sh. Yash Pal Gupta and Presidents of different Trade, Transport, Hoteliers and Tourism Associations.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 6th September 2019
Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu in an urgent communication to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Union Finance Minister urged to get the dates for filling of all Income Tax and GST returns extended in J&K State till 31-12-2019. The communication reads as under:
Greetings from Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu. We would like to bring into your kind notice that the business world is going through its worst phase given the law and order situation being faced in the present circumstances. It is our humble submission to your goodselves kindly and urgently to direct the concerned to extend the dates for filling of Income Tax returns for the accounting year 2018-2019 and also for filling of GST returns.
Madam, it is excruciatingly agonising that on one hand the Internet services have been snapped by the government due to security concerns and on the other hand not extending the dates for filling of Income tax and GST returns. We request your goodselves kindly to get the date for filling all IT and GST returns extended till 31-12-2019 both for audit and non-audit cases.
It may not be out of place to mention that the business in our state is totally intra state, hence the business community is facing lot of hurdles to cope up and not able to transact the normal business. Your goodselves will appreciate that JCCI did not even demand restoration of the Internet services till now because national interest and security concerns are a priority in the present situation but at the same time we also expect the same to be reciprocated by the government positively.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 29th August 2019

On 29th Aug. 2019 an urgent meeting of the Presidents of all affiliated associations of Trade, Industry, Transport and Tourism was convened at the request of President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta at Chamber House Jammu. At the outset two minutes silence was observed to pay tributes to Late Smt. Sushma Sawraj and Late Sh. Arun Jaitely for their contribution to the country and were remembered and hailed.
Later all present in the meeting were asked to put forth their views regarding the suggestions to be forwarded to the government for consideration to be incorporated in the laws as a Union Territory w.e.f 31st October 2019. All the stakeholders gave various suggestions which also include amendments in Land and Revenue Act as it was a source of major corruption and harassment, reservation in jobs, riders in purchse of land, abolition of State Excise Toll Tax post at Lakhanpur, incentive package for old and new Industries and rehabilitation policy for traders in case they are forced to shut down because of competitions from big chains, which shall be considered by the JCCI team after discussions with legal luminaries and put forth before the State and the Union Government.
Regarding the current issues and the problems being faced by the business world across the state were Income Tax returns / GST Returns and generation of E-way bills. The JCCI President assured to the business world that these matters shall be taken up with the Central Board of Direct Taxes and the GST Council. The Chamber President also expressed anger that given the law and order situation the Chamber fails to understand that why the CBDT and GST council do not act on their own and extend the dates for filling of Returns and also exempt the e-way bill clause till the Internet become functional in the state. He also said that Chamber was not raising the demands regarding restoration of Internet as the Chamber has always stood by the government as far as law, order and security concerns were of prime most importance.
Later the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his team addressed a Press Conference to highlight the core issues which were hitting the economy of the State and all these issues were internal in nature and not external. He squarely blamed one of the Advisor to the Hon’ble Governor for irresponsible and insincere working. The JCCI sent out an urgent communication to the Hon’ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik and copy of which was also communicated to the Ministry of Home Affairs for taking urgent notice of the issues and corrective measures taken immediately. The communication sent to the Hon’ble Governor reads as under:-
It is time and again that JCCI has been fighting against corruption and non performance by the people at the helm of affairs in your administration.
We at JCCI strongly believe that if someone like the Advisor in the Governor’s administration does not perform responsibly and sincerely in this trouble torn state where the economy is in shambles already then nobody can save us. Today we would like to request your goodselves kindly and urgently to review the functioning of major departments like PDD, PHE, Finance, Housing, Municipality and JDA as we feel that if at all these departments had some fixed parameters and were accountable for their working then not only the business community but the people at large would not have been going through hell what they are going through at present.
The department of PDD is squarely blamed by one and all for non availability of power supply during this intense heat wave being faced that not only results into collapse of water supplies, damaging electric infra, disruption in Broadband services but also effects the working capacity of an individual. We would like to bring to your kind notice that adequate funds have been made available by the government of India to raise the required infrastructure for providing uninterrupted power supply but the PDD as per our sources does not have land to create such infra. The Chamber would like to squarely blame Sh. K.K.Sharma, Advisor for taking such an important issue non-seriously as he himself is heading the departments of JDA and Housing too so the requirement of land for building the required infra by PDD should not have been our matter of concern.
The Chamber would also like to question the working of the Finance department who we feel have misguided the State Administrative Council to increase the onetime tax on vehicles from approximately 1.77% to 9% without any rational resulting into loss of sales in the Automobile sector, loss of revenue to the government and threatening thousands of skilled and unskilled job holders. The JCCI also questions the Finance department for not polling their share as agreed social corporate responsibility corpus in the Excise Department wherein the Wine dealers have contributed more than 2.5 cr. towards the de-addiction initiatives wherein an equal amount was to be pooled in by the Finance department to the Excise Commissioner. We urge to your goodselves kindly to transfer this amount of more than 5 cr to the Police department who are doing the de-addiction work and also raising new infra for the said noble cause.
Sir, the JCCI is also surprised that the major departments like JDA, Housing and Municipality even are not working as they should have been, given the vast area of developments which is also hampering the economy of our state. Your goodselves shall be surprised to know that the posts of Town Planners are lying vacant in JDA and Housing resulting into almost no plans of building new colonies, townships, parkings, green areas or commercial space for new entrepreneurs. Not only this the JDA has till now not handed over the possession of Plots which they had sold two years back to the owners in Gole Gujral on the petty excuse that the plots have been encroached and the encroachers could not be evacuated. Sir, you will also be surprised to know that no Board Meetings of JDA and Housing been convened since almost one year resulting into accumulation of pending issues. More so thousands of building permissions are lying pending and the JDA & Municipality who are working at a snails pace. We would like to request your goodselves kindly to personally review the working of these departments held by the Advisor Sh. K.K.Sharma as we feel the portfolios he is holding are the lifeline of not only of business world but also the people at large.
Also present in the press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 23rd August 2019
In an urgent communication to Sh. Satya Pal Malik, Hon’ble Governor J&K State, President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta urged that in the wake of prevailing law and order situation in Srinagar the camp offices of all major departments be established in Jammu. The communication reads as under:-
This is to bring to your kind notice that in the wake of prevailing Law and order situation and restrictions in Srinagar not only the business community but the people at large in Jammu are facing hardships because of the accessibility problem and collapse of communication with the Secretariat in Srinagar.
We would like to request your goodselves kindly to pass on necessary directions to the concerned to establish camp offices of major departments e.g Drug & Food Control department, Industries Department, Revenue Department in Jammu and HOD’s of these departments be directed to camp in Jammu for few days every week so that the files could move otherwise we fear that many business houses shall collapse which are already struggling to survive given the alarming economic situation prevailing in the state.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 22nd August 2019

An urgent Press Conference was convened at Chamber House today regarding SRO 492 dated 1st August 2019 issued by the Transport Department, J&K Govt. – regarding exuberant and unjustified hike of taxes levied on motor vehicles & two wheelers in J&K.“ Tax shall be levied on Motor Vehicles using any Public road in the state of Jammu & Kashmir at the rates specified against each namely All Motor Vehicles - One time tax @9% of the cost of the vehicle. Motorcycle costing above 1.5 lacs - one time tax @10% of the cost of the vehicle “
The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that the authorities are not clear on the definition of the cost. In the neighbouring states of Himachal and Punjab the rates vary between 3% to 6% as registration fee which is charged on the basic cost without the GST , in J&K it is being levied on the total cost i.e. Basic cost + GST.
During a meeting with the Hon’ble Advisor Mr. K. Skandan recently we informed him about the expected decline in sales , infact there is slowdown in the auto sector across India and sales are down by 30%.
The manufacturers of automobiles have started shutting down their plants for 4 to 5 days in a month & have relieved all casual employees. Same is the case with suppliers of auto parts to these manufacturers who have closed down their plants. As per estimates almost 300 automobile dealerships have shutdown across India in the past one year and approx 10000 people have lost their jobs in the auto sector.
Coming to J&K the incidence of tax would be between Rs. 45000 on a vehicle costing Rs 5 lacs and Rs 2,92,500 on a vehicle costing Rs 32.5 lacs. We wonder if this can be called discrimination as both users would be using the same road.
Further going through the data of NIC the tax collected by the transport department for the financial year 2018-19 was Rs. 177 crores which works out to less than 2% of the total turnover of the automobile industry of J&K which is approx. 10,000 cr.
On the subject of management and administration we need to empathise with the prospective customer. We need to sit in the chair of the customer and think whether he would buy a vehicle with increased taxes which total upto an additional 40% to 60% of the value.
We have noted with the incidence of increased RTO Tax , customers have avoided/deferred the purchases of Motor Vehicles across all dealerships in J&K which has resulted in 90% drop in sales in the month of August.
We would request you to modify the slab on lower rates , as lower sales would also result in lower collection of GST and reduction in revenue to the State.
The element of Road Tax (Registration Expenses) is not financed by any bank and it would be a direct burden on the customer.
Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that we are sending an official communication to the Hon’ble Governor and the concerned Advisor with the request to immediately withdraw the said order which we feel is not based on any logic and is bad in law. We shall be urging the Hon’ble Governor kindly to intervene urgently and even if 100% increase in collection of Road tax has to be made, it would be less than 4% of the tax & not 9%.
Also present in the press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Anchal Singh Manhas, President Jammu Province Tourist Taxi Operators Federation, Sh. D.K.Batra, President Automobile Dealers Association, Sh. Pardeep Jain, General Secretary Automobile Dealers Association, Sh. Vikas Rathore, Sh. Sanjay Mahajan, Sh. Anil Puri, Sh. Rohit Gandotra, Sh. Sahil Mahajan, Sh. Sanjay Aggarwal, Sh. Taranjit Singh, Sh. Manik Batra, Sh. Satyam Gupta, Sh. Vikram Puri, Sh. Sanjay Mehra and others.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 8th August 2019

Speaking at a Press Conference at Chamber House today, JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta welcomed the move of Government of India revoking Article 370 and 35A and conveyed his thanks to Hon’ble President of India Sh. Ram Nath Kovind for issuing the notification.
He further said that the human rights violation for more than seven decades because of specific state laws came to an end giving a sigh of relief to the masses. He also said that JCCI is keeping close watch on the notifications being issued regarding the laws being extended and if the Chamber feels that more needs to be done to curb the menace of corruption the same shall be taken up with the Hon‘ble Governor and the MHA next week. He also said that it will be clear to one and all soon that the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh shall start prospering in times to come.
The other Office bearers present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 2nd August 2019
President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta in an urgent communication to Hon’ble Governor J&K, urged to pass on urgent necessary directions to the concerned to immediately withdraw the Anti People and Anti Business SRO 492 dated August 1,2019 issued by the Principal Secretary, Transport Department directing that the tax shall be levied on Motor Vehicles using any Public Roads in the State of J&K at 9 and 10 percent. The communication reads as under :
We would like to bring to your notice for your immediate personal attention that the SRO 492 dated August 1,2019 issued by the Principal Secretary Transport Department directing that the tax shall be levied on Motor Vehicles using any public roads in the State of J&K @ 9% and 10% has left us stunned and shocked.
Sir, it is known to all that the deteriorating economic situation nationwide has already hit the Automobile Sales and such irrational and unilateral decision by some quarters of your administration are neither logical nor acceptable.
Sir, this steep hike in onetime tax is ultimately going to be paid out of the pockets of a common man and shall ultimately lead to loss of sales further which shall mean collapse of many business houses who have invested heavily mostly through banking institutions.
Sir, being a State where every common citizen felt privileged because of special status granted to our state under the Constitution of India for the welfare of the every common citizen is today feeling cheated and that too under Governor’s rule for imposition of such a heavy tax. We feel that such orders are like challenging the fundamental rights of people to bar them from buying Motor Vehicles because of such heavy taxes and we term this SRO totally as anti business and anti people. It may not be out of place to mention that one of the neighbouring state which has topography and economy similar like ours i.e. Himachal Pardesh levies onetime tax maximum of 3% and we request your goodselves that our state should not be compared to other fully developed states across India where there are ample and surplus business opportunities.
Sir, we request your goodselves to pass on urgent necessary directions to the concerned to immediately withdraw this “ANTI PEOPLE AND ANTI BUSINESS SRO” with immediate effect.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 23rd July 2019

Mr. Rohit Mehra,IRS Additional Commissioner Income Tax Ludhiana yesterday on the invitation of President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta visited the Chamber House to highlight the importance and dire need of Plantation considering the high level of pollution effecting the every common man’s health.
On this occasion Chamber President welcomed and thanked Sh. Rohit Mehra, IRS and appreciated his efforts particularly in Punjab. Sh. Rohit Mehra IRS 2004 batch officer posted as Additional Commissioner Income Tax Ludhiana is known as the Green man, Pioneer of Vertical Gardens, Seedballs, Panchvati and Vedic Vana in India. He has made 175 Vertical Gardens at schools, hospitals, temples, gurudwaaras and even one at the Golden Temple with waste plastic bottles and have reused 40 tones of plastic till now, planted 5.05 lakh plants and hold 2 Limca book of record, one for largest Vertical Garden of India and other for making 3 lakh seedballs in one day. Mr. Mehra was also invited in international conference at IIM Ahemdabad to deliver lecture on social innovation. He has been declared as Earth Hero 2018 by two popular social sites namely The Better India.He has developed three mobile apps also.
The Chamber President assured Sh. Rohit Mehra,IRS to partner in his efforts and create Vertical Gardens in and around Jammu using his concept thus using the hazardous plastic waste that was major source of pollution. On this occasion prominent business people like Sh. D.K.Batra and Sh. Vinod Sachdeva also pledged to create Vertical Gardens in ASCOMS and their various Industries.
Mr. Rohit Mehra, IRS assured the JCCI team that he shall be sending trainers as a part of “Train the Trainers” to teach how to create Vertical Gardens.
Also present on this occasion were Prof. Nazia Rasool Latifi, HOD Environmental Studies at Gandhi Nagar College for Womens and Ms. Sunaina Sharma, KAS Secretary JMC besides JCCI Office Bearers namely Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President , Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary and Sh. Ashu Gupta Treasurer
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 5th July 2019

An urgent Press Conference was convened at Chamber House wherein the Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta exposed the hollow and false claims of the State Administration of acting against corruption by patronising and promoting corrupt bureaucrats and senior officers. Speaking on the occasion the President JCCI said that it was on 21st August 2013 that the Ministry of Personal, Public Grievances and Pensions sanctioned prosecution of Sh. Baseer Ahmad Khan in FIR No. -08/2009 with regard to infamous established & proved Gulmarg land Scam. The Chamber President questioned the recommendations for extension of service and sanction for the same from the Chief Secretary of the State and the Government of India. The Chamber has time and again raised fingers and conveyed to Hon’ble Governor that corruption in the Government Departments was at its peak and not only the business people but the people at large are suffering because of no accountability of the Babus in the State. JCCI President also said that corrupt bureaucrats “SPREADING TERROR THROUGH THEIR PEN” was more dangerous than the Separatists & Militants as far as National Security and National Interest is concerned because who knows that the money being earned by them through corrupt practices was possibly being used to fund Anti-National Activities. He also said that giving extension in service after retirements to such Babus in the system is like a reward in lieu of corruption. The JCCI President said that this extension order was a slap on the face of honest findings of the investigating agencies and an insult and challenge to our honest Judicial system. He said that this act by the State Administration has left democracy bleeding. He cautioned the State Administration and the Government of India that corruption and inefficient governance have been majorly instrumental towards dragging the State of J&K in worst Law and Order situation. The JCCI President said that such corrupt officers were hand in glove with the political governments but today the extension in service sanctioned by Government of India has left everyone shocked and puzzled that what message the Governor’s Administration wants to give to the honest bureaucrats and the tax paying citizens. He urged to the Government of India to review this extension order as it looks like possibly that the State Administration has engineered and misinformed the Government of India to obtain this extension order for their blue eyed Babu. He said that the Chamber has all apprehensions that the legal course in the Court of Law shall not be followed by the State Administration effectively.
The JCCI President also objected to the Traffic restrictions imposed by the State Administration that no Civilian Vehicles shall ply between Nashri and Qazigund from 10 AM to 3 PM during the duration of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra. He said that this proves the utter failure of the State Administration to secure the highway between Jammu and Srinagar which was the life line for all. He said that it was a month of elation that Shri Amarnath ji Yatra started but such unreasonable restriction orders will throw the life of every citizen out of gear. He also said that the logistic cost increases manifold, perishable goods get damaged, Zero facilities for Drivers and Cleaners along highway with no mobile toilets and the time limit of E-way bills expires. He also squarely blamed the State Administration for the condition of the Nashri to Banihal highway with worst condition of the roads and thousands of crores of tax payers money meant of maintenance siphoned off through corruption.
The President demanded immediate withdrawal of the service extension order in favour of Mr. Baseer Ahmad Khan and withdrawal of restrictions imposed on civilian vehicles during the duration of Shri Amar Nath Ji Yatra.
The other office bearers present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President and. Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 27th June 2019
The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta today in an urgent communication sent to Sh. Amit Shah, Hon’ble Union Home Minister protesting against intentional targeting of business people of Jammu Province. Mr. Gupta wrote as under:
Greetings from Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu. We would like to bring to your kind notice the factual position pertaining to the hallow claims being conveyed by the State Administration to the Government of India as well as the panic and scare created by the Income Tax Department and the State Taxes Department by intentionally targeting the business people of Jammu Province.
Sir, we would like to submit that it is becoming common practice to conduct raids at the premises of business people particularly in Jammu Province which has left us perplexed, baffled and astonished. We would like to clarify that the JCCI has always stood by the government as far as the collection of taxes is concerned because we strongly believe and advocate that the tax collections are imperative for the nation building.
Sir, it has been a practice in the business world to observe 3-5 holidays due to scorching heat in the month of June when the traders especially closedown their establishments and go for a holiday with their families. It is surprising that even during this period the Income Tax Department and the State taxes Department are targeting the honest tax payers and even raiding the closed establishments thus spoiling the family holidays and sitting at the closed premises waiting for the owners to come back from their holidays.
Sir, it may not out of place to mention that Shri Amarnath JI Yatra is commencing in the first week of July that is of prime importance to the people of Jammu province religiously but these actions by the tax departments are spoiling the peaceful atmosphere and leaving one and all in a chaotic situation.
We would like to reiterate with all our command and conviction that corruption is at its peak & being done by the Babus holding high positions and almost a situation of “Inspector Raj” is prevailing that is most unfortunate and unfriendly for the business world. The real culprits have been left free as the State Police Vigilance Department and the State Accountability Commission are almost non-functional. We would like to urge to your goodselves to take effective corrective steps to pave the way for Central Investigating Agencies to take action and nail the real tax evaders who have accumulated enormous wealth through rampant corruption. We would also like to request your goodselves kindly to pass on necessary directions to the concerned department to act with caution as the business community is struggling to survive and on the verge of closure on account of numerous reasons & desist from conducting raids and surveys without any apparent reasons or justification.
We would also request your goodselves kindly give us an appointment for a meeting either in New Delhi or whenever your goodselves visits Jammu in the near future so that we could update your goodselves regarding the total non-implementation policy of “Ease to do Business” and also suggest some corrective steps that would both be in the interest of booming economy and the Nation.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 21 June 2019
In a Press Statement the President of JCCI countered a statement appearing in some local dailies made by an unknown organisation “ Save Jammu Chamber Forum” misinforming the people at large with baseless and false allegations against the present team of the office bearers of JCCI.
The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that after going through the contents in the statement made by the said forum , the JCCI would like one and all to know the truth and the facts so that these few persons stand exposed. The President further said that there is no room for indiscipline in the JCCI and these few rumour mongers shall face stern action. He said that Sh. YV Sharma who has political affiliation to the Congress Party , Sh. Arun Gupta , both Ex officer bearers have lost all respect in the eyes of Chamber members by holding anti chamber meeting and will be dealt with as per the constitution of the Chamber as their activities are detrimental to the interests of the JCCI for using the print media and the social media spitting lies and giving false statements rather than approaching the JCCI directly.
The actual and factual position is that a Special General Meeting was convened on Dec 19 , 2018 as per the provisions provided in the constitution of the Chamber which was attended by 751 worthy members and the same was photographed and video footage taken too which exposes the blatant lies and allegations levelled by these people. Much needed historic amendments were approved by the House and also the term of the present team extended by 2 more years as demanded by a majority in the House to complete the proposed Business Club. Later all the amendments were notified to all the worthy members through an advertisement in print media on March, 2019 and its pertinent to mention that not even a single objection has been received by the Chamber office till date. He also said that this YV Sharma was personally invited by the President JCCI to the said SGM but he never turned up in the meeting although Arun Gupta did attend the said meeting.
Further the President said that the JCCI shall tackle and answer those members who are resorting to indiscipline to sabotage the developmental works at Chamber House as per provisions available in Constitution. He said a Business Club of the JCCI was the need of the hour so that the worthy members could enjoy at a respectable place the luxurious facilities alongwith their families at affordable cost. He saluted the members who already deposited cheques amounting to approximately 6 Crores towards the construction cost of Business Club / Auditorium / Health Club and Conferencing Facilities.
The President JCCI further said that the long tenures of Ex President YV Sharma and Ex Secy General Arun Gupta saw no development for the Chamber. Their working style speaks volumes and a glaring example is that nor they paid the ground rent of Chamber House neither they paid the balance of premium amount against the plot allotted for 20 long years to the JDA resulting in accumulation of interest amount of more than 45 lacs as additional liability for the JCCI. They did ZERO infrastructural development to decorate the Chamber House which is the Face of the Economy. These two Office Bearers even went to the extent of paying lacs of rupees to one of the employee for 5 years as salary who did not even attend the office and was later shunted out by the Present President JCCI in 2014. They could not even provide the basic amenities at the Chamber House like having a kitchen or a washroom for females or even a room or hall with meeting and conferencing facilities.
The President JCCI also said that the achievements of the present team are exemplary and need no explanation and also that the Lease Deed with the JDA was done after 24 long years by the present team.
The President JCCI assured all the worthy members that no one shall go scot free for back stabbing & cheating the worthy members of the Chamber and that the JCCI is committed to the welfare and prosperity of not only the traders and the industrialists but also the people at large and shall never compromise on any issues concerning Jammu Province. He also said that that it was due to the Dedicated , Sincere and Selfless work of the present team that the Membership of the JCCI has crossed 2800 and growing which has never happened in the past.
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 30th May 2019
Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI sent an urgent communication to Prime Minister’s Office which read as under:-
We would humbly request your goodselves kindly to consider the representation of elected members of the Parliament for a place in the Union Cabinet. Please note that Jammu Province has suffered throughout ever since 1947 with almost no representation being given to any elected representative as a full-fledged Minister in the Union Cabinet.
We would further like to inform your office that in the last more than over four decades the above mentioned request has never been considered resulting into total neglect of this region. We hope that our request which is fully logical and also the need of the hour considering the least development as also the Law and Order alarming situation shall be considered with utmost seriousness.
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 21st May 2019

At a press Conference Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI explained the Media about the communication sent to the Hon’ble Governor regarding intentional Deliberate Neglect by Corrupt Officers in the State administration and served one weeks ultimatum for a high level meeting to be convened, failing which the Chamber and the Civil Society shall be left with no option but to launch an agitation for justice. The communication reads as under:
Please treat this communication as most urgent and of utmost importance as we feel that the present administration is totally hellbent on destroying the State of J&K with almost no Accountability Policy promoting corruption which has never ever happened before under a Governor’s rule. We would like to sum-up certain burning issues for immediate redressal as below:
We would like to bring to your kind notice that the projects under Prime Ministers Development Package for J&K have been totally neglected with DPRs never submitted for the projects worth 1600 crores resulting into lapse of such huge funds. These include new Destinations, Information Centers, Way side facilities, improvement of present and new National Highways and many other Developmental Projects.
We would also question the intentions of the State Administration regarding Zero Tourism Promotion Policy, a glaring example of which was non-participation of J&K Tourism Department in the biggest travel event in India “The Great Indian Travel Bazar” recently.
We would also like to point out that the benefit of Industrial Electricity Tariff to the Hotel Industry was sanctioned after series of representation and meetings with the government which has been withdrawn because of the non-working of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission(SERC). The same may be looked into and needful be done to save the already dying Hotel Industry.
Toll Tax at Lakhanpur
We feel completely confused and shattered that despite a high level committee constituted after our meeting with your goodselves which has already submitted its report is gathering dust and the State Toll Tax at Lakhanpur continues to be levied on almost on all products as before which is neither justified nor tolerable.
Languishing Projects
We would also like to submit that many projects relating to Tourism especially in Jammu Province have missed many deadlines and we at Chamber and the Civil Society feel that these projects shall never see the light of the day and that such anti-Jammu Policies are intentional and deliberate and not a mere co-incidence. These projects include Mubarak Mandi Development, Artificial Lake on River Tawi, Suchetgarh Border Tourism, Bahu Gandola Project, Jamboo Zoo, Laser Musical light and sound system at Bagh-e-Bahu and many other such projects.
Condition of National Highway
We most humbly request your goodselves to immediately review the maintenance mechanism of Jammu-Srinagar-Ladakh National Highway as we feel that from Batote to Qazikund it has become a death trap for one and all and we suspect that hundreds crores of public money is being swindled on the pretext of maintenance of Highways.
We would also like to point out that the way the security agencies are dealing with the drivers of Trucks and Tankers is totally non-acceptable. The government should remember that these people are the ones who are maintaining the life line for one and all, not only for the common masses but also for the belt forces and the Army. These heavy vehicles are asked to halt from point to point on the National Highways & asked for heavy amount of bribes to continue their onwards journey. They are also being targeted by local “Adda Unions” on National Highway and charged at various points illegally which we feel amounts to looting as Trucks and Tankers have nothing to do with these “Adda Unions”
National Highway Movement Ban
We would like to bring to your kind notice that it is not only the common people of the State but also the business community who have been facing heavy losses because of the highway movement ban imposed for civil traffic for last many days. The Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry did not react before keeping in view the movement of the security forces because of the ongoing Loksabha elections. We request your goodselves to order immediate lifting of this highway movement ban of civil traffic.
Raghunath JI Mandir
We would also like to bring into your kind notice that Raghunath Ji Mandir at Raghunath Bazar is fast loosing its sanctity because of the hired Pujaries inside the complex who fleece the tourists & pilgrims with their demands of money. The bidding system for hiring Pujaries by the present management is not only against Hindu religion but also objectionable. We request your goodselves kindly to constitute a Board on the pattern of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board and take over the centuries old Raghunath Mandir Complex so that its sanctity is restored and its further development could take place.
Sir, we would also like to mention that despite lot of communications to the concerned, the Industrialists are suffering heavily on account of delayed payments to MSMEs especially by the PDD department in particular and late reimbursement of SGST. Also the registration process under the Investment Development Scheme is so cumbersome that hardly few people have been lucky to themselves registered.
Tarnished Corrupt Officers
Sir, we would not shy to say that few corrupt IAS Officers who had been transferred out of the State on account of poor performance and rampant corruption are back to powerful seats in the State and we demand their immediate removal from important positions.
Sir, it is our earnest request that the above mentioned issues need your immediate intervention for solution as it is not only a matter of development and job opportunities but such polices of intentional neglect going unpunished are resulting into loss of Tourism, Youth taking to drugs and some joining militancy too. The JCCI squarely blames the State Administration for all this mess and we urge your goodselves to fix and convene a high level meeting on all these above mentioned important issues within one week or it shall be for the first time in the history of J&K that JCCI and Civil Society shall launch an all out agitation under a Governors rule which shall not be in the interest of the trouble torn State.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 16th May 2019

On the request of Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI, Sh. M.K. Sinha, IPS Inspector General of Police Jammu range visited Chamber House and was the Chief Guest at a function organised by JCCI for fund raising initiation ceremony for the De-Addiction centre cum felicitation ceremony.
Sh. Sujit Kumar, IPS DIG Jammu-Kathua Zone, Sh. Tejinder Singh, IPS, SSP Jammu, Sh. Vinay Sharma, KPS SP South, Ms. Sheema Qasba,IPS, ASP and Dr. Ruveda Salam,IRS Dy. Commissioner Income Tax were Guests of Honour on this occasion.
After welcoming the dignitaries the Chamber President in his address to the members and Presidents of various affiliated Associations stressed and explained on the need of De-Addiction centre in Jammu considering the massive rise in drug menace among various sections of the society. He appealed to all the members to donate liberally for effective running of the De-Addiction centre to be run by the J&K Police Department.
Mr. Sujit Kumar,IPS DIG Jammu –Kathua range gave a digital presentation to make one and all aware about the rise in demand and supply of drugs through an index showing the growing drug abuse every year and number of registered cases against drug peddlers every year.
Mr. Tejinder Singh, IPS SSP Jammu on this occasion spoke and explained that how aggressively the Police department was fighting against the menace of drugs and apprehending many drug peddlers. He reiterated that the J&K Police department is working sincerely and is committed to eradicate this social evil at any cost.
Addressing the gathering Sh. M.K.Sinha IPS, Inspector General of Police Jammu range explained and stressed upon the role of parents to teach their Children to inculcate and imbibe healthy life style and habits. He also referred to many quotes from Sanskrit & English explaining how to lead a selfless life and help others to get rid of this drug menace and also explained various reasons among youth who were falling an easy prey to drugs. This was followed by a felicitation function wherein Sh. M.K.Sinha, IPS, Chief Guest and Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI recognised the dedicated, sincere and outstanding performance of the Police Department that included Inspector Parvej Sajad Ahmad, Inspector Chanchal Singh, Inspector Sunil Jasrotia, Inspector Gurnam Choudhary, Inspector Rajesh Jasrotia.
Dr. Ruveda Salam, IRS Dy. Commissioner Income Tax and Ms. Sugandha Mahajan,KPS were honoured and they spoke on the occasion and shared their experience in the Police Department before shifting to Income Tax Department and teaching profession respectively and suggested few measures to control the rise in demand and supply of drugs. Ms. Sheema Qasba,IPS and Dr. Sunniya Wani,KPS were also honoured on this occasion and they also spoke about the numerous challenges being faced by the Police Department in curbing the drug menace.
The function concluded with the Chamber President announcing JCCI’s contribution and other respectable members who voluntarily announced their contribution amounts for the effective running of the De-Addiction Centre.
The other Office Bearers of JCCI present on the occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta. Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 01st April 2019

The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta recently visited “Great India Travel Bazar 2019 Exhibition” from 28-30 April 2019 wherein 11600 pre-scheduled B2B meetings were held but to his utter surprise the J&K Tourism Department was missing at the biggest Travel and Trade Show of South Asian Sub-Continent. The President JCCI in an urgent Communication to the Hon’ble Governor has demanded a high level enquiry for non-participation by the State Tourism Department and also demanded stringent exemplary action against the Officers responsible for the same who are hell-bent on destroying the economy of the State by not promoting Tourism Sector which not only involves Hoteliers, Transporters, Artisans, Traders but also lakhs of people dependent on these sectors. A Copy of the Communication was also sent to Sh. Rajeev Gouba, Union Home Secretary for inf. & n/a. The Communication reads as under :-
The undersigned recently visited “Great India Travel Bazar 2019 Exhibition” at Jaipur to have a first hand experience of how the different States across the Country and the corporates in Travel Industry are promoting Tourism and getting Business.
It may not be out of place to mention that over the years GITB has evolved as one of the biggest Travel and Trade Shows in South Asian Sub-Continent and this time over 300 foreign buyers participated from 60 Countries. There were also more than 300 stalls of Indian and Foreign Companies besides different Indian States having their dedicated Stalls.
The undersigned was shocked and felt embarrassed to note that the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Department did not even care to participate in such a big event discrediting the tall claims of the State Administration of promoting Tourism which is the backbone of the economy of the State.
The State like Rajasthan who were the host of this event received bulk order worth Rs. 5.2 crores, only for one attraction i.e “Palace on Wheels” which fully explains the importance of this event.
The JCCI lodges its strongest protest against Tourism Department of J&K and requests your goodselves to order a high level enquiry for their non-participation and take stringent and exemplary action against the officers of the Tourism Department responsible for the same.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 24th April 2019
Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI in an urgent communication to Hon’ble Governor J&K State urged to take the “TAINTED BABUS” to task and make them accountable. Chamber also requested to Hon’ble Governor to identify the “Black Sheeps” enjoying the Power Corridors and remove them immediately in the interest of Peace, Prosperity and Nation Building. The communication reads as under:
While the JCCI appreciates your all out sincere efforts for development and peace in the State of J&K, we urge your goodselves to take the “TAINTED BABUS” to task and make them accountable.
The State of J&K has witnessed Governors rule many times but we feel that it is the worst phase we are going through where only princely life style seems to be the motive of such “TAINTED BABUS” and not welfare of the suffering people. It is most unfortunate, that whom we can also label as “Sarganas” in bureaucracy, although few, previously protected by the politicians are still enjoying the power corridors which is matter of shame and concern.
We request your goodselves to identify these “Black Sheeps” enjoying the power corridors and remove them immediately in the interest of Peace, Prosperity and Nation Building.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 22rd April 2019
Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI in an urgent communication to Sh. Satya Pal Malik, Hon'ble Governor J&K State highlighting how the corrupt Babus were resorting to unabated corruption and working against Micro Small Medium Enterprises who are already facing lot of problems for survival in the State of Jammu & Kashmir and also taking the “Saubhagya Scheme” an initiative of Hon'ble Prime Minister non-seriously. The copies of the said communication were also sent to Sh. Nripendra Misra, Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Prime Minister and Sh. Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Secretary Union Power Ministry for Inf. and n/a. The communication reads as under:
While we appreciate your concern regarding rampant corruption and your statements in Media exhibiting your firm resolve to go all out against the corrupt Babus, we would like to bring to your kind notice a glaring example of corruption in Power Development Department by not dispersing payment to our MSME units who are members of JCCI against the supply of various item like, Steel Tubular Poles ,Power Transformer ,Power cables & Power Transmission Conductors to the Power Development Department in the Central “Sponsored Saubhagya Scheme in J&K” from the month of September 2018.
Sir, It is important to mentioned here that the credit of success for Saubhagya Scheme in J&K goes to the SSI units of the state in big way because they provided the requisite materials i.e Steel Tubular Poles ,power Cables conductors and Transformers to J&K PDD through P&MM wing of PDD and J&K SICOP on war footing basis without any pre-condition and gave full-co-operative to the department at different levels.
Sir, Your goodself should appreciate the selfless gesture of the MSME units in this regard to translate the aspirations Hon'ble Prime Minister in reality within a limited prescribed time.
Sir, you would be surprised to know that our MSME units till now have not received their due payments for the materials supplied to P.D.D from the month of September 2018 for the reasons best known to the department.
Sir you can imagine the plight of MSME units who have borrowed loans for various bank and financial institutions for the success of the Saubhagya Scheme.
The banks are pressing hard for the return of borrowed money/finance from them and the MSME units are suffering huge losses due to the interest burden .The pending payments of J&K MSME units which is more than Rs.200 cr,if not released immediately will result in lot of hardships for the concerned MSME units resulting in huge losses to them and making them defaulters with banks and financial institutions.
Your goodself is requested to kindly intervene in this matter and direct the concerned authorities to release the pending payments immediately so that the concerned MSME units can be saved from becoming sick with no fault of theirs.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 06th April 2019
Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI in an urgent communication to Mrs. Sulekha Director Ministry of Home Affairs Department of J&K Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi requested for resuming the LOC Trade at the earliest and fixing of responsibility for the administrative lapses resulting in breach of security and suspension of LOC Trade. The communication reads as under:
This is in reference to your communication to the J&K Government dated 18th April 2019 wherein suspension of LOC Trade at Salamabad and Chakan-da-Bagh in J&K region has been communicated stating security concerns and misuse of these routes by Pakistan based elements.
We fully agree that security should be prime concern not only of Government but every Indian Citizen and that too in the trouble torn State of J&K. We would like to bring to your kind notice that stopping LOC Trade abruptly without intimating to the LOC Traders poses a huge risk of financial loss to the traders.
It would not be out of place to mention that both the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu and LOC Traders Federation have been requesting and demanding for a fool proof strict regulatory regime at the LOC trade points both in Jammu and Kashmir. These included installing Full truck body scanners, Putting in place the banking facilities, Policy on registration on LOC Traders and Appointment of one man Trade Authority. It is most unfortunate that none of these demands have been met with resulting into suspension of LOC Trade.
We once again assure of cooperating fully as always but at the same time request your goodselves to fix responsibility for these administrative lapses resulting in breach of security as mentioned in your communication. Being responsible organization we request a high level enquiry into the lapses and necessary stringent actions and measures to be taken so that the LOC Trade could resume at the earliest.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 06th April 2019

A press Conference was convened to day at Chamber House keeping in view the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections and the Law and Order situation prevailing in the State.
Speaking on the occasion President CCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta firstly greeted the people of the state on the eve of Holy Week of Navratras and prayed for the overall wellbeing, peace and prosperity in the state with the blessings of Maa Durga.
The JCCI President firstly appealed to all the eligible voters in the state to come out and vote for the candidates whoever they feel will deliver best to the society. He also said that in a democracy if someone does not vote then they have no right to criticize those elected. Henceforth everyone should exercise right to vote and elect the right people in the interest of peace and prosperity. He further cautioned one and all across the state irrespective of cast, creed and religion to be extra vigilant as disruptive forces with evil designs shall try their best to harm the fabric of communal harmony as it has been proven many times in the past. He appealed to the masses not to pay heed to the rumors and appealed to all to maintain peace and together defeat the designs of evil forces. The Chamber President also once again appealed to all the different Bazar Associations to install CCTV Cameras as security is the prime concern of one and all considering the prevailing Law and Order situation.
On the occasion JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta also contested the terminology used in the print media by the Income Tax department saying “Income Tax Department collects highest ever 1118 crores tax in the J&K”. He cautioned the Income Tax Department to put their records straight as this highest amount of collection was not because of searches and raids but on account of voluntarily compliance and the sense of nation building among the masses. He further said that not even a single Income Tax raid was done from July 2014 to 10 March 2019 in Jammu. He appealed to the Income Tax Department that such statements are not healthy but create a negative mind set hence Income Tax Department should desist from making such unrealistic claims and he further said that the Chamber appreciates the awareness campaign run by the Income Tax Department that resulted in adding 89000 new assesses and requested the department to focus on those assesses who do not file returns at all rather than pressurizing and harassing the existing assesses who are already paying the highest ever tax
The other Office Bearers present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 26th March 2019
An urgent meeting was convened in the Chamber House in wake of recent raids and surveys by the Department of Income Tax in Jammu. In an urgent communication to Sh. Arun Jaitely, Union Finance Minister the Chamber President lodged his strong protest against the dictatorial attitude of the Income Tax Department in Jammu and raised direct questions to the Union Finance Minister. The JCCI also questions the political leaders representing Jammu who are on roads as a part of their campaign seeking votes and support once again in the forthcoming elections and wants to remind them that the mandate given to them by the people of Jammu shall have to be reconsidered because they have maintained complete silence against the raids and surveys conducted in Jammu as they have shown no concerns towards the people at large sending a wrong message.
The Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta has convened the meeting of major affiliated associations to consult them and may announce indefinite bandh call if the Union Finance Minister does not pass on necessary directions to the Income Tax Department as made clear in the communication sent to him. The Chamber President also said that in case the Union Finance Minister does not take a serious note of our communication then the Chamber shall have no option but to take confrontational stand. The future course of action is likely to be announced in a Press Conference tomorrow evening by the JCCI.
The communication sent to the Union Finance Minister reads as below:
“The Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry would like to lodge its strongest protest against the un ethical working and unfriendly approach of your Income Tax department with their assesses who are properly filing their Income Tax Returns in Jammu City. The recent raids and surveys conducted in Jammu have left a big question mark on the dubious intensions and working style of the officers who have forgotten that they are “Tax Regulators” and not DICTATORS which is totally uncalled for in a democratic setup. There are sufficient provisions under law to serve notices rather then creating an atmosphere which is neither desirable not tolerable.
The JCCI have always believed in mutual co operation with the Income Tax Department in the interest of “Nation Building” and never ever stood with tax evaders. We want to make it crystal clear to your MINISTRY that we shall not allow anyone to Harass or Terrorise the assesses who are our members as the Tax Regulators are not mandated to do so. Our straight question to your MINISTRY is that “IS JAMMU ONLY A PART OF INDIA” or its “ JAMMU AND KASHMIR STATE”.
We would like to bring to you notice that there are approximately 51,000 business firms registered in Jammu Province and approximately 48,000 business firms registered in Kashmir Province under the GST Regime. If your MINISTRY feels and has a firm ideology that they will not act against the “REAL TAX EVADERS” who don't even file their Income Tax returns on the of excuse of law and order situation, then what message are they trying to give to the Nationalist and Tax Complainant Society of Jammu? Should the nationalist people of Jammu also create a Law and Order situation in Jammu Province too? If thats their message to us , then we shall have no option but to spread this message to our business people to stop co operating with your department and the Chamber shall have no option left but to call for a “Financial Indiscipline Movement and also call for an INDEFINATE SHUTDOWN” till such harassments stop taking place.
We would like to request your goodself to take a logical view before fixing the Tax Collection Targets as the economy of our state is already bleeding and pass on urgent necessary directions to the Income Tax Department in the state to immediately stop RAIDS and SURVEYS and also direct your department not to label the TAX COMPLAINANT people as TAX EVADERS in the media. We also request your goodself to direct the department to prove that “Jammu& Kashmir State” is a part of INDIA and not just “JAMMU”
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 22rd March 2019

Come out and Vote in large numbers says Mr. Shailendra Kumar Chief Electoral Office J&K
The Chief Electoral Officer J&K Mr. Shailendra Kumar,IAS has urged the Citizens of J&K to come out and Vote in Large numbers, he specially appealed Urban Voters to shed inhibition and vote for their candidates. Mr. Shailendra Kumar,IAS also talked about C-Vigil app which the Election Commission has introduced in Lok Sabha Elections 2019 and stated that those Citizens using this app can complain about any irregularities and their identity would be kept anonymous.
Mr. Shailendra Kumar was speaking at an interactive session “Lok Sabha Polls 2019” titled India Votes -2019 saluting democracy organised by Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu. The Chamber has taken the lead in organising such a programme where Election Commissioner Officials and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry came together to urge the people to Vote and elect their leaders. There was a demonstration by Election Commission Officials explaining the procedure related to election and the usages of EVMS and VVPAT. Mr. Shailendra Kumar,IAS also conveyed that the Election Commission of India has made special arrangements for specially abled citizens and also separate booths for women voters with women staff.
Also present on the occasion were Mr. Ramesh Kumar, IAS Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Mr. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council and Cooperatives and Ms. Rakhee Bakshi Veteran Media Professional. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Deputy Commissioner Jammu talked about the different initiatives and efforts undertaken by Election Officials and the local administration resulting in lacs of new Voters enrolled in the process.
On this occasion Mr. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI thanked the Chief Electoral Officer Mr. Shailendra Kumar,IAS for having consented to be the Chief Guest at this Voting Awareness campaign launched by Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu. He also expressed his satisfaction on the fool proof VVPAT with EVM technology. He also endorsed the idea of Mr. Shailendra Kumar,IAS that more people should enrol themselves as voters.
Emphasizing on the need to motivate the rural population Mr. Rajesh Sharma said that the farmers and Sarpanches should be involved to reach out to Voters to Participate.
Ms. Rakhee Bakshi said that media persons should support the cause of democracy and fearless journalism. The program was followed by a mock voting demonstration by Election Commissioner Officials to showcase and exhibit the veracity of EVMs with VVPAT and its function
The other office bearers of CCI present on the occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 03rd March 2019

The President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his team of Office Bearers today announced opening of Membership for the proposed "JCCI CLUB" exclusively for the members of Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu at a Press Conference held at Chamber House.
On this occasion the President JCCI said that, may be, the JCCI is the only and the First Chamber across the nation to have a proposed Business Club exclusively for its members. He justified the requirement of a Business Club for its members as the business community could not get access to the other Clubs in Jammu on account of many reasons and requirements . The Proposed "JCCI Club" shall have all the facilities like Family Restaurant, Bar, Card Room, Complete Health Club, Pool & SPA, Kitty Rooms, Living Rooms, Library, Sports, Exhibition Hall, Auditorium, Secretarial & Conference facilities. He also said that the construction work shall be done on war-footing and hopefully completed and thrown open to JCCI Club Members within two years and for the said purpose an 11 member committee shall be nominated by the President JCCI including Office Bearers. The Membership forms shall be available for first 1000 applicant at the present price from tomorrow March 14, 2019 and the membership drive for the "JCCI Club" shall close on March 30, 2019. It is pertinent to note that most of the stringent riders for applying in other Clubs have been relaxed but the bylaws of the Constitution of the proposed JCCI Club shall be very stringent ensuring complete discipline and family atmosphere. He also announced opening of fresh membership of JCCI from March 14 to March 25, 2019 because of extreme pressure from the business community who want to enroll themselves as members of JCCI.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 09th February 2019

Taking the mutual cooperation initiatives to the next level, Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI who also happens to be the President of "The Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association" alongwith the General Secretary Sh. Rajan Gupta and other office bearers donated medicines costing approximately Rs. 5 lacs as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility as desired by Madam Lotika Khajuria, Controller Drugs and Food Control Organisation J&K. These medicines were handed over to Sh. Iqbal Palla, Dy. Controller Drugs and Food Control Organisation at Jammu today. These medicines shall be distributed further by the Drugs and Food Control Organisation wherever the need be. These medicines included major antibiotics, antipyretics and I.V fluids. The constant mutual cooperation between JPDA and Drugs and Food Control Organisation has yielded fruitful results and to a great extent kept the Jammu Drugs Market "Intoxicant free". On this occasion Sh. Iqbal Palla, thanked the JCCI President for this great initiative and gesture by the Jammu Pharmaceutical Distributors Association.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 15th February 2019
At an urgent Press Conference convened in Chamber House today, Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI with his team of Office Bearers, Presidents of affiliated associations alongwith leaders from the Muslim Community addressed the media jointly.
The President JCCI told the media that the one day bandh call given by JCCI was purely to express solidarity with the martyred CRPF Jawans and their families in this hour of grief and thanked one and all for observing complete Jammu Bandh. He also said that it was unfortunate that some miscreant elements and disruptive forces resorted to law and order problem and threatened the communal harmony. He further said that we shall not allow any such forces to disturb the brotherhood and peace in Jammu where all the regions have coexisted and stood by each other always. Sh. Rakesh Gupta also said that it was only one day bandh call and we shall not extend the same.
Mr. Shuja Zaffar, Chairman Jammu Muslim front, Qazi Imran, President Jammu Muslim Front, Sh. Mubasir Khan, President Shopkeepers Association, Talab Khatikan and Sh. Mohsin Salaria, General Secretary Association Talab Khatikan, Advocate Sheikh Shakeel Ahmad, Sh. Sujat Ali Khan, General Secretary Anjuman Emamia also briefed the media and categorically stated that all the Muslim Community expresses their solidarity with the martyred Jawans and their families and condemned the violent incidents that threatened the communal harmony. They also said that we are Indians first and shall always spread and stand by the message of brotherhood.
Among others Present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President JCCI and Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General JCCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary JCCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer JCCI, Sh. Surinder Mahajan, President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Krishan Lal Gupta, Chairman, Rajinder Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Ashish Gupta, General Secretary, Kanak Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Deepak Gupta, General Secretary Traders Federation Warehouse, Sh. Vishwamitter, President Shiva Market Businessmen Association, Sh. Deepak Malhotra, General Secretary , Nanak Nagar Shopkeeper Association, Sh. Mohan Lal Gupta, President Below Gumat Traders Association, Sh. Ramesh Tak, President Bus Stand Traders Association, Sh. Charanjeet Singh, President Wine Traders Association, Sh. R.P.Kakkar, President Motor Part Dealers Association, Sh. Kuldeep Singh, President Gole Market Gandhi Nagar, Sh. Anil Gupta, President Bahu Plaza Shopkeeper Association and others.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 18th February 2019

At a Press Conference convened at Chamber House today President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta solely and squarely blamed the Anti-National elements for vitiating the peaceful atmosphere of Jammu Province. The Chamber President questioned the State Administration that what action has been taken against those who raised Anti-National Slogans and continue to do so still when Curfew has been imposed in Jammu. The Chamber President warned one and all that at no cost anti India slogans will be tolerated. He urged the State Administration to identify the culprits and put them behind bars without any further delay.
The Chamber President also attacked the inefficiency of Cyber Cell of Jammu and Kashmir Police for their inaction against those using fake Id's injecting venom on social media against India. He appealed to the DGP to take effective measures against the inefficient staff and replace them immediately. The Chamber President also questioned the policy and strategy on the part of the State Administration during this law and order situation and total collapse of accountability as anti national elements are still raising anti India and pro Pakistan slogans in Jammu.
He also blamed the State Administration at the higher level for communication gap with the stake holders. Referring to anti JCCI posts on social media by few forces working at the behest of anti national elements both in Jammu and Srinagar, he said that JCCI will take on them later as the present situation has larger issues to deal with and ensure security of all communities and stand by brotherhood. The Chamber President welcomed the relaxation in curfew announced today and appealed to the Hon'ble Governor to order lifting curfew w.e.f tomorrow as the situation can never go out of hand in Jammu where peace loving and nationalist people reside.
The JCCI President appealed to the Hon'ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik to announce an appointment for job under the J&K Government for the better half of Martyred CRPF Jawan Sh. Naseer Ahmad from Rajouri and same law be made applicable as and when any soldier from any wing of security forces is martyred across the country whose marital status is married .belonging to the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Among others Present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General JCCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary JCCI, and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer JCCI.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 13th February 2019

The President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith Office Bearers called upon the Commissioner Commercial Taxes Sh. P.K.Bhat,KAS in his Office Chamber today. During the meeting the Commissioner Commercial Taxes apprised the Chamber team that 30% of the assesses have not filed their GST Returns for the month of December 2018 and 8% of the Assesses have not filed a single return since the GST came into force in July 2017 . He also told the Chamber President that the dealers whose have returns are "NIL" should also mandatorily file their returns.
The Chamber President assured the Commissioner Commercial Taxes that the Chamber shall convey the concern of the department to all its members from Trade & Industry to file their due GST Returns within this week so that the department does not have to visit the premises of the assesses for inspection.
Also present in the meeting were Sh. Shahid Saleem Dar,KAS Additional Commissioner Commercial Taxes, Sh. Rajesh Gupta Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President JCCI and Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General JCCI.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 JOINT PRESS STATEMENT 11th February 2019

In an urgent meeting convened at Chamber house today Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI and Sh. Nasir Hamid Khan Sr. Vice President KCCI discussed the chaotic situation prevailing because of the continuous closure of J&K Highways for the past few days. In the Joint Statement they said that this has adversely affected the population causing widespread disruptions in schedules and thrown normal life out of gear. The supply of essential commodities including medicines has also been adversely affected. Our tourism sector has suffered heavy losses. With trucks stranded for weeks on the highway, transportation of goods and supplies to and from the Valley has also become a problem.
Stranded passengers in Delhi, Jammu & Srinagar are left with no alternative but to pay exorbitant rates for air travel to get back home. Although the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry had, among other suggestions, requested Hon'ble Governor Mr Satya Pal Malik, to intervene and arrange additional flights and sorties, the Government has so far been unable to control the predatory pricing policy. The airlines while operating additional flights have been ruthless with regard to the airfare and luggage charges. Other policies like cancellation charges and guidelines for making available flights next day in case of cancellation of flights due to bad weather also needs to be overhauled.
The faith shown by the Government by agreeing to no regulation of airfares has been sufficiently abused. The policy had resulted in blatant exploitation of the public including patients, students and the business community. The sector has become out of bounds for tourists because of the steep airfares. The airlines have been allowed to set meagre luggage limits and charge as per their sweet will on what they consider to be "excess" luggage.
The Government instead of protecting the consumers has become a beneficiary of this exploitation by having a substantial GST share in the ticket cost and heavy taxation of the Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). While doing this, the Government has turned a blind eye towards the repeated recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee in 2015 and 2018 asking for the need of capping of airfares. The UDAN scheme of the Civil Aviation Ministry also recommended measures for increasing regional connectivity including distance based pricing. Under the UDAN Scheme, an hour long flight costs Rs 2,500 and a 30 minute flight costs Rs 1, 200.
In view of the above, we urge for implementation of the following measures:
Ø The Government should invoke the Essential Services Act to control airfares in line with the Civil Aviation distance based pricing policy of capping fares to Rs 2500 for hour long flights and Rs 1200 for 30 minute flights;
Ø Negotiate bulk ticket purchases or chartering flights;
Ø Withdrawal of all taxes and levies on air travel to our State and Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) consumed in this regard.
Ø Set up Crisis Centres at Delhi, Jammu and Srinagar for coordinated resolution of the problems.
Ø Take steps for providing of food and accommodation for stranded travellers at Delhi, Jammu, Srinagar and other stations.
In view of the urgent nature of the above and the involvement of public interest, we would advise the Government to take immediate steps for redressal of this issue.
Also Present in the meeting were Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General JCCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary JCCI and Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council.
For: Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry For: Kashmir Chamber of Commerce & Industry
( Rakesh Gupta ) (Nasir Hamid Khan)
President Senior Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 6th February 2019

On the request of JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. Hina Shafi Bhat, Hon'ble Vice Chairperson J&K Khadi & Village Industries Board accompanied by two board Members Sh. Rajesh Gupta who also happens to be the Executive Committee Member of CCI and Sh. Rajesh Kumar Bakshi visited Chamber House.
In a short meeting Dr. Hina Shafi Bhat apprised the Chamber President and other Office Bearers of CCI about the implementation of various schemes being done in the State of J&K that included Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programmes, Skill Development Trainings Programmes, Exhibitions being organise in all parts of the State, implementation of different Central sponsored Schemes such as SFURTI, Cluster, SC/St HUB, incentives being provided by KVIB to the certified Khadi Institutions of the State on Retail Sale of their Khadi Products and workshops, Seminars and awareness programmes being done in the State.
Other Office bearers present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer CCI
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 5th February 2019
Today a deputation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu headed by Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President CCI called upon the Hon'ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik regarding two major demands being "ONE NATION ONE TAX" and early allotment of land for construction of "DRY PORT". The memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble Governor reads as below:
Most Humbly and respectfully we beg to submit as under :
>> That, it has been a long standing demand of Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the affiliated associations to implement the "ONE NATION ONE TAX" in the State of Jammu & Kashmir as done PAN India.
>> That, the Chamber has time and again been putting forth the demand to abolish State Toll Tax on Goods at Lakhanpur Post GST regime since July 2017.
>> That, Chamber of Commerce & Industry represents both the Trade and Industry, hence we have been stating that the products which are being manufactured by the Industries in the State of Jammu & Kashmir having very low margins should be protected at every cost by such levies but should not be randomly levied on all the products.
>> That, to the best of our information 90% of the Industry is not being benefitted by this levy of Toll Tax on Goods.
>> That, we feel that those Industries in the State whose turnovers are huge do not require additional support from the government except few products with low profit margins.
>> That, a major chunk of Industrial incentives package and also a major portion of Toll Tax exemption being given to the manufactures of Insecticides and Pesticides is most objectionable. It would not be out of place to point out that only State of Jammu & Kashmir has been generous to give the manufacturing Licences to these units who are not only polluting the air but also our rivers and the irrigated land which could be verified by your office independently, the imposition of penalty by NGT on SIDCO being a glaring example and still not in the negative list.
>> That, the government should assess our demand after getting the factual figures of sales of these units availing all these benefits in terms of sales within the State, Imports and Exports.
>> That, we request your goodselves kindly to ask for the factual data regarding the levy of Toll Tax on Goods from concerned departments which will surely help us all to take rational view and justified decision both in the interest of Trade/ Industry and most importantly the people of the State.
>> That, our other demand for allotment of land for the construction of "DRY PORT" as per the MOU signed between the J&K Government and the DUBAI Ports World in presence of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narinder Bhai Modi almost one year back is of utmost importance.
>> That the creation of "DRY PORT" by DUBAI Ports World would bring thousands of crores of FDI and provide thousands of jobs for the labours and the educated youth from the State of Jammu & Kashmir and shall be a game changer in terms of economy and help the state to be self reliant.
Others who accompanied the delegation include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer CCI, Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman Kissan Council J&K, Sh. Deepak Gupta, General Secretary Traders Federation Warehosue, Sh. Surindr Mahajan, President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Anoop Mittal, President Kanak Mandi Traders Association
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 2nd February 2019

In a Press Conference convened today at Chamber House regarding the announcement of future course of action by Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry to get the two initiatives of the Hon'ble Prime Minister implemented before his visit to Jammu on 3rd February 2019 to lay the foundation stone of AIIMS, the Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta briefed the Media in presence of all the worthy respective Presidents of various associations and also Mr. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman J&K Kissan Council.
The Chamber President said that at the first place the Chamber had decided for Jammu Bandh on the eve of Hon'ble Prime Minister visit as the PMO was silent on both the initiatives defeated in the State of J&K and non-implementation of the slogan "ONE NATION ONE TAX" after the implementation of GST and allotment of land for "DRY PORT", MOU of which was signed between the J&K Government and DUBAI Port World in presence of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narinder Bhai Modi last year on February 11. In this context it was decided by the Chamber that being nationalists we welcome the Hon'ble Prime Minister to the City of Temples. Henceforth the call for Jammu Bandh was decided on Monday 4th February 2019 but immediately before briefing the Press the Hon'ble Governor Sh. Sat Paul Malik intervened personally and assured the Chamber President on Phone in presence of all the heads of the respective affiliated associations that these two issues will be taken on priority within four day and a meeting between the Chamber delegation and the state administration chaired by Hon'ble Governor will take place. The Chamber after the assurance from the Hon'ble Governor decided to defer the bandh call conditionally.
The Chamber President warned the J&K administration that if these two utmost important issues are not resolved in the meeting to be held next week, the Chamber shall have no choice but to take the agitation route on the same pattern as was done in 2015 when the Jammu Chamber and Transport Associations started the agitation on 14th April 2015.
The Chamber also wants to say that the people of Jammu & Kashmir are not ready to pay 900 crores of toll tax on goods under the "ONE NATION ONE TAX" GST regime and also there shall be no letup in the demand for allotting land for "DRY PORT" to facilitate thousands of jobs for the labour class and thousands of jobs for the qualified and educated youth.
On this occasion Chairman J&K Kissan Council, Sh. Rajesh Sharma assured full support to the Chamber whenever the need be.
Among others present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General, CCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer CCI, Sh. Surinder Mahajan, President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Anoop Mittal, President, Kanak Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Raman Suri, Lakhdata Bazar Traders Association, Sh. Surinder Mahajan, Chairman, Purani Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Hardeep Singh, Moti Bazar Traders Association, Sh. Gulshan Mahajan, President Lower Raghunath Businessmen Association, Sh. Ramesh Tak and Sh. Madhu Sharma, Presidents of Bus Stand Traders Association, Sh. Vishwamitter, President Shiva Market Traders Association, Sh. Mangal Sharma, President Mangal Market Traders Association, Sh. Ashok Singh, President Nanak Nagar Traders Association, Sh. Anil Kohli, General Secretary Apsara Road Traders Association and others.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 1st February 2019
Reacting to the Union Budget announcements Mr. Rakesh Gupta, President JCCI welcomed the various initiatives taken especially the massive increase in the defence budget which was of utmost importance keeping in view the security concerns and external threats being faced by our country, initiatives to uplift the poor and weaker sections of the society, massive spending on infra which would help in growth of GDP of consumer driven debt financed economy, extension of affordable housing PM's initiative by one year and the pension scheme for the weaker section above 60 years.
The JCCI feels that there should have been some relaxation in GST regime wherein services are being taxed as highest as 18% effecting every citizen of the country. He also mentioned that some permanent solution of the farmers income problem should have been considered by way of providing Budget for space and infra to sell their agriculture produce directly so that real value of their produce could be realized.
He also said that some interests subsidy subvention scheme should have been announced for the traders who are the major part of MSME sector and facing the worst because of implementation of GST especially in a state like Jammu & Kashmir where even "ONE NATION ONE TAX" after the GST has not been implemented by the State government. The Chamber President raised doubts regarding the Union Budget announcements being implemented by J&K State Government considering the non-implementation of "ONE NATION ONE TAX" wherein a sum of Rs. 900 crores under the guise of state toll on Goods being collected in addition to the GST.
Reacting to the announcement that there shall be no Income Tax upto the Income of Rs. 5 lacs the Jammu Chamber feels it is just a honey trap as it has been linked to a particular section in the Income Tax act and shall not be a big relief or a permanent relief.
The Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry hopes that the PMO takes urgent note of the Hon'ble Prime Minister's initiatives and announcements being defeated by the J&K administration for their vested interests seriously
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 21st January 2019

An urgent Press Conference was convened at Chamber House today in the wake of Hon'ble Prime Minister's forthcoming visit to the City of Temples.
Addressing the media JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta contested the statement made by Sh. Ram Madhav, National General Secretary BJP yesterday that "we gave two AIIMS to the State of Jammu & Kashmir". The JCCI President wants to remind one and all that AIIMS was sanctioned only after a joint struggle done by the people of Jammu Province that started on 24th April 2015 when the Jammu Chamber called for first Jammu Bandh and later on led by the AIIMS Coordination Committee.
The Jammu Chamber advises the political leaders not to mislead the innocent people of Jammu & Kashmir by issuing statements regarding internal and national security which is the duty of our security forces who are doing their jobs well and sacrificing their lives every day. The political parties should concentrate on welfare and well being of the people in the state. We also advise all the political parties not to jump into the two issues being raised by the Jammu Chamber today and try to give it a political colour.
This urgent Press Conference is being done to highlight two major issues:-
" One Nation One Tax" and "Dry Port Multi modal logistics Park" both being the initiatives of the Hon'ble Prime Minister but defeated by the vested interests in the state administration as well as the collation government before.
One Nation One Tax
This slogan was the sole initiative of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Narinder Bhai Modi which has not seen the light of the day in the state of Jammu & Kashmir but implemented across India. We question the collection of Rs. 800-900 crores on the name of State Toll Tax at Lakhanpur which at the end of the day is paid by the common man living in the state. The Chamber President also questions that the Special Status granted to the State of Jammu & Kashmir was for the welfare of the people or being penalized. This collection of State Toll Tax at Lakhanpur has resulted in huge increase of transportation cost, hardship to drivers and cleaners, inflation and above all a den of corruption.
Dry Port Multi Modal Logistics Park
That it was last year in the month of February that the J&K government and DUBAI Ports world in presence of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Narinder Bhai Modi and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi signed a MOU for establishment of the said Dry Port in Samba and Ompura. After lapse of almost one year the said project is seen no where as the land to be provided by the state has not been allotted till date. This Dry Port included Warehouses, Special Storage Solutions, CA Stores and Cold Storage Chain in addition to complete logistic solutions. J&K being geographically disadvantaged the said project is a boom to bring down the transportation cost by atleast to 25% ,connecting the business world of J&K World Wide, information at door steps regarding imports and exports as the Dubai Port world is already operating such facilities in 40 countries in six continents. The JCCI feels that the delay in initiating this project has resulted in immense loss to the common man in the state and not only the business people. That the thousands of crores of rupees of foreign direct investment, thousands of skilled and unskilled jobs have been lost. On one hand the labour class is migrating silently to other states for want of jobs and on the other hand the educated youth of the state are unemployed and falling and easy prey to the menace of drugs or migrating to other states for want of jobs and some choosing the path of violence and death which is most unfortunate.
The Jammu Chamber questions the Prime Minister's Office that "Are the initiatives and announcements made by the Hon'ble Prime Minister not for the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh". The Chamber President also questions the Prime Minister's Office to make it clear that these two major initiatives which were to be a boom for the State economy and welfare and well being of every common man have been defeated by the State administration or the Prime Minister's Office has deliberately kept silence due to reasons best known to them.
In the wake of forthcoming visit of Hon'ble Prime Minister a statement of clarity from the Prime Minister's Office would be of utmost importance before the Jammu Chamber, affiliated associations and the Civil Society of J&K decide if a struggle for rights has again to be fought by the people of the state to get these two initiatives implemented in the coming days.
The other Office bearers of JCCI present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President ,Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General. Sh. Surinder Mahajan, President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Anoop Mittal, President Kanak Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Rajesh Dewan, President Hari Market Traders Association.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 4th january2019

Chamber of Commerce & Industry Honors Young Achiever Dr. Vaneet Kaur
Today at a function organized by Chamber of Commerce & Industry under the aegis of the President, Mr. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. Vaneet Kaur was felicitated by the Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu, Prof. Manoj K Dhar for all her stellar achievements at such a young age. The recognition from the sachem of the alma mater of Dr. Vaneet Kaur was quintessential as she has been a gold medalist, silver medalist and a former faculty member of University of Jammu. On this occasion Vice Chancellor Jammu University Prof. Manoj K Dhar was also felicitated by Chamber Team.
Dr. Vaneet Kaur, the daughter of soil who has made it big in the United States of America in the springtime of life was duly honored in an extravagant ceremony organized by the Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Jammu. The bluestocking who is making Jammu proud by working as a distinguished expert of her field in the capacity of Visiting Professor in one of the top universities of USA had made headlines in the previous year too by completing her degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the age of mere 27 years, taking barely two years.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Vaneet Kaur expressed her deepest gratitude towards the Chamber for honoring her and dedicated her triumphant journey to her parents Mr. Sewinder Singh Parwanda and Mrs. Satnam Kaur. She reminisced about how under the correct guidance and with full family support, she embarked on the journey of success and kept moving towards the zenith. She highly exhorted all the youngsters to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.
The representatives of Chamber reiterated her feats to the students and women who had shown up in huge numbers to listen to the odyssey of the grandee. Dr. Kaur was a brightly shining star right from her schooling days. She was chosen as the first non-catholic National Executive Committee member of a social movement called Young Christian Students/Young Students Movement (YCS/YSM) and she represented India at the age of 14 in Nepal and in European countries at the age of 15.
The leader in her grew with her and in her college days she led her college as the president of GCW, Parade. Along with her leadership abilities, she was always an ace student. After graduating with a silver medal, Dr. Kaur topped not only in her MBA-IB,ICCCR & HRM department but whole of the Faculty of Business Administration of University of Jammu in the 2011-2013 batch and so was awarded the university gold medal by the then honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee.
After clearing UGC-NET twice, Dr. Kaur went on pursue her Ph.D. from University of Jammu. Based on her merit as well as research proposal, the highbrow had been awarded Fellowship for her PhD research work by Government of India for a duration of five years. Nonetheless, the polymath completed her Ph.D. in a record time of two years and relinquished her scholarship for others in need.
Her PhD was not even over and she started working as a Lecturer in University of Jammu at an early age. Not so long after she was selected as a Visiting Professor in University of Texas at Dallas at the age of 28 and at this prime of her age she has embarked on a journey to share her knowledge with global students and mentor them all along the way. She is also directing her passion towards research by already writing a book for a top notch publisher in USA at just the beginning of her academic career.
At a young age Dr. Vaneet has achieved which many just dream of and is determined to achieve much more in the near future. Chamber of Commerce has highlighted the journey of this star who hailed from a small town but is blazing across the globe so that it can serve as an inspiration for the youth of Jammu & Kashmir to emulate.
Also present on this occasion were Prof. Deepak Raj Gupta, Director ICCCR & HRM Jammu University, Sh. Rattan Deep Singh Anand, Hony. Secretary Jammu Club and Sh. Vijay Saraf, Hony. Secretary Amar Singh Club, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President CCI, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary Gneral CCI and Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary CCI.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/19/2019 Press Note 3rd january2019

Joint Cross LOC Trade Federation warns Customs Department of Pakistan.
In an urgent communication the Joint Cross LOC Trade Federation in a meeting held today at Baku Azerbaijan listed their demands for better Cross LOC Trade between India and Pakistan and congratulated Sh. Rakesh Gupta for taking over the Presidentship of Joint Chamber shortly from the President of KCCI as per rotation. The communication reads as under:-
Today a meeting of Joint Cross LOC Trade Federation Jammu & Kashmir was held at Azerbaijan Baku under the Presidentship of Sh. Pawan Anand in which all the issues regarding the working and hurdles / problems of the LOC trade were discussed. The meeting was attended by 22 members of the Trade Federation. First of all the mandate of Presidentship was transferred to Mr. Pawan Anand(Poonch J&K) from the outgoing President Sardar Kareem Khan(POJK) while the mandate of General Secretary was transferred to Sardar Ansar Ahmad(POJK) from the outgoing General Secretary Mr. Rajeev Tandon (Poonch J&K) and the mandate of Vice Presidentship was transferred to Sardar Kareem Khan(POJK) from Mr. Pawan Anand(Poonch J&K) and the mandate of Joint Secretary was transferred to Mr. Rajeev Tandon(Poonch J&K) from Sardar Ansar Ahmad(POJK) for the period of two years.
Joint Cross LOC Trade Federation J&K urged the Government of Pakistan not to harass the Traders of Cross LOC Trade by implicating the Custom Duty while transferring the goods towards the main land Pakistan.
Mr. Pawan Anand and Mr. Rajeev Tandon said that if the harassment from Pakistan Customs continues all the traders will be forced to leave the trade which will lead to unemployment of thousands of people whether they are traders, labourers, Truck Drivers and other people concerned with the LOC Trade and will also badly effect the Confidence Building Measures(CBM) on both sides of J&K.
From last 10 years the enhancement of the tradable items has been requested many times but inspite of enhancing the items, many tradable items have been banned by both the governments e.g Dall, Coconut, Black Cordom, Garlic, Anardana etc. and business of crores has been done in the past of these products.
Zeroline meeting has not been arranged for the last three years which forced the Trade Federation to arrange the meeting in third country in which limited traders could participate. So both the governments are requested to arrange monthly meetings of traders at both sides of trade Centres to boost the trade and resolve their bilateral issues. A very long pending demand of traders has been revised to give the permits to the traders of both sides to visit the market of other sides for smooth functioning of trade, which will lead to friendly environment in both the countries which is the need of the hour.
The meeting also requested the government of both sides to announce the yearly holiday calendar to save the perishable items. The Trade Federation expects the implementation of above mentioned points as early as possible for the betterment of trade and people of J&K to maintain the CBM.
Mr. Pawan Anand and Sardar Kareem Khan congratulated Mr. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI for taking over the Presidentship of Joint Chamber shortly from President KCCI as per rotation and hope that he will work hard for the betterment of Trade as he is very hard and dynamic leader.
Those present from Indian side include Mr. Pawan Anand, President, Rajeev Tandon, General Secretary, Kaveen Dutta, Niaz Ahmad Bhatt, Mohd. Sadeeq, J.P.Singh, Ashwani Rekrhi, Anil Puri, Imitiaz Ahamd Salaria, Sazad Ahamed, Mohd. Fareed, Mohd. Mushtaq. Those present from POJK in the meeting were Sardar Kareem Khan , Ansar Ahmed. Kazai Ashiq, Ch. Muneer, Aijaz Kianai, Sardar Munawar, Asas Masood, Khan Manzoor, Ch. Astham, Aseem Saleem.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2019 Press Note 21st December2018

A joint press conference was held by both the Chambers of the State to highlight the following issues:
v Condition of Cross LOC Trade
v Harassment by Commercial Taxes Department
v Delay in SGST Refund to Industry
v Problems faced by exporters regarding functioning of the Excise and Customs Department.
The respective Presidents Mr Rakesh Gupta and Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad addressed the press conference and were accompanied by representatives of various trade and industry associations including Raghunath Bazar Association, Kanak Mandi Association & Ware House Traders Federation.
Cross LOC Trade
Mr Rakesh Gupta stated that it was unfortunate that one of the most important Confidence Building Measures initiated by the then Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan ten years ago, was dying a slow death due to the absence of proper follow-up action. He stated that although both the countries had significantly moved forward with regard to the Kartarpur-Amritsar Corridor, no such forward movement was visible in the case of our State.
Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad stated that a decision needed to be taken in this regard to improve the trade as it had failed to meet any of the objectives for which it was started.
He said that it was unfortunate that even after a passage of ten years, the business delegations from our side were not being allowed to visit the other side and as a consequence meetings had to be conducted in other countries. This had resulted in the whole becoming a cosmetic exercise.
Harassment by Commercial Taxes Department
Mr Rakesh Gupta stated that the harassment of traders by the Commercial Taxes Department across the State was a cause of concern and although the Chamber had earlier also objected to it, there seemed to be no let-up in the matter. Mr Gupta stated that the Department was imposing disproportionate penalties and fines on the helpless traders and if the present confrontational policies of the Department continued, the Chambers and business community of the State would be left with no option other than going on indefinite shutdown over the matter.
Mr Rakesh Gupta demanded that the exemption of e-way bill needed to be raised to at least Rupees Two Lacs from the existing Rupees Fifty Thousand.
Delay in SGST Refund to Industry
Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad stated that on one hand the State had blocked up huge capital of the industrial sector by not releasing the SGST refunds which had brought the industry on the verge of closure, and on the other hand traders were being targeted on flimsy excuses only to generate revenue collections for the Department. He stated that although, the SGST refund was supposed to be disbursed within a period of three weeks, the State had not released the same since months together which had caused losses to the industry.
In this manner, the capital of the business community was lying with the State and the business community was going through the worse cash crunch in the history of the State. The State instead of being sensitive to the condition of the business community had chosen to harass and penalise them.
Problems faced by exporters regarding functioning of the Excise and Customs Department.
Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad stated that the functioning of the Excise and Customs Department had caused tremendous hardships to the exporters of the State and there seemed to be no accountability with regard to the providing of services. There was an unprecedented delay in disbursal of duty drawbacks making it impossible for exporters to plan any business programs.
Other prominent persons who were present in the Press Conference included Mr Nasir Hamid Khan, Sr Vice President, KCC&I, Mr Farooq Amin, Secretary General KCC&I, Sh, Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajeev Gupta Jr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Secretary JCCI and Sh. Ashu Gupta Treasurer JCCI.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2019 Press Note 20th December2018

The Special General Meeting was convened on the instructions of President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta at Hotel Radisson Blu in Jammu wherein 751 Members including the executive committee were present. In the meeting eight Agenda points were majorly taken up.
At the outset Sr. Vice President JCCI, Sh. Rajesh Gupta welcomed the members to the Special General Meeting and thanked the members for always supporting and boosting the moral of the present team of office bearers, whereafter he handed over the proceedings of the house to the Worthy President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta.
In his opening remarks the President JCCI apprised the house about the past activities and the future plans of the present elected team and also spoke about the historical achievements of the Chamber. Later moving on to Agenda all the eight points in the Agenda were approved by the House including the amendments proposed in the Constitution of the Chamber. It is pertinent to note that only two members objected and rest all supported and passed the proposed amendments. Agenda points raised before the house were as follows:
1. Requesting the House to consider approval for construction of Business Club for our Members only.
2. Approval of New Members
3. Cancellation of Membership of Members who have defaulted on account of Annual Subscription from 2003-2014.
4. Last Opportunity to be given to the Members who have defaulted on account of Annual Subscription from 2014-2017.
5. Disciplinary Action against Members who were served notice under Section 9(b) of the Constitution of CCI considering their acts to be detrimental to the interests of CCI
6. Amendments to the Present Constitution of CCI
7. Demolition of unfinished structure at Chamber House
8. Purchase of bronze statue of Lord Krishna costing to Rs. 2.80 lacs
The Disciplinary Action in the Agenda at point no. 5 was taken up and the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee which was constituted for initiating Disciplinary action against the Members who were served notice under section 9(b) of the Constitution considering their action to be detrimental to the interests of JCCI. The house approved the suspension of Membership of one of the member for a period of 5 years.
A majority of the house demanded that the construction and completion of CLUB should be done first and not the elections which were due early next year. The President JCCI assured the house that all the decisions approved and supported by the house in the Special General Meeting shall be notified to all the members soon.
Among others present in the Special General Meeting include Sh. Vijay Aggarwal, Former President JCCI, Sh. Romesh Chander Gupta, Former President JCCI, Sh. Prithvi Raj Gupta, Former Secretary General and Sh. Arun Gupta, Former Secretary General JCCI.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2019 Press Note 7th December 2018

Chamber Boycott Pre-Budget Meeting warns statewide bandh
An urgent Press Conference was convened today at Chamber House to protest and warn the local administration especially the Commercial Tax Department against harassing Traders, Industrialists and LOC Traders across the State.
On the occasion JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta said that the slogan of Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Sh. Narinder Bhai Modi and the Finance Minister Sh. Arun Jaitely have proved false as far as terming GST as "GOOD AND SIMPLE TAX" AND "ONE TAX ONE NATIION". He further said that hundreds of amendments done by the GST council speaks volumes about the act that was implemented in a hurry wherein billionaires and the common traders in far-flung areas especially considering the topography of J&K State were brought under the same act.
The JCCI President strongly protested that the promises and the assurances given by the State Government to both the Chambers of Jammu & Kashmir during Pre-Budget meeting last year and before implementation of GST that the special powers available to the State under the Constitution of India to make amendments to the Centrals Laws have been compromised.
He further said that the State Toll tax of hundreds of crores being collected at Lakhanpur defeats the slogan of "ONE NATION ONE TAX". He further said that this illegal tax being charged in the name of saving the local industry is totally baseless and false as only two percent of the industry in the state was being incentivized to the tune of 95% of the incentives being disbursed and rest 98% of Micro Small and Medium Industries are on the verge of collapse.
JCCI President strongly protested and warned the Commercial Tax Department to desist from :
a) Assessing Goods as undervalued at Lakhanpur
b) Stopping the Goods of the Traders, Industrialists and LOC Traders at Nakas intra-state
c) So called raids in uniforms in the premises of business people and videography done
The JCCI President further warned the administration and appealed to the Hon'ble Governor J&K to immediately convene a meeting with both the Chambers of Jammu and Kashmir to simplify the GST Act as per powers available with the State under the special status of the state under the Constitution of India considering the topography and IT literacy level of the people in business.
The JCCI President announced that JCCI shall boycott the Pre-Budget meeting to be held on Saturday 8th December 2018 at 2.00 PM till our genuine demands are met with including the implementation of last year's announcements of one time power amnesty and industrial power tariff for all the Hotel Industry. He also demanded immediate enhancement of E-way bills limit exemption from Rs. 50000 to Rs. 200000.
The Chamber President further warned the administration that if our genuine demands are not met with then JCCI shall be left with no other way but to call for a state wide bandh including stopping of LOC Trade.
The other Office bearers of JCCI present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer. Sh. Surinder Mahajan President Raghunath Bazar Businessmen Association, Sh. Anoop MIttal, President Kanak Mandi Traders Association, Sh. Rajesh Dewan President Hari Market Traders Association, Sh. Dheeraj Gupta Sr. Vice President Traders Federation Warehouse and Nehru Market were also present in the Press Conference
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2019 Press Note 27th November2018
The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta today in a Press Note took a serious view of the attempts being made to politicize the autonomy of J&K Bank which he believed is the bank that belongs to the people of J&K and institution the JCCI and the people of the state are proud off.
He also said that similar attempts to politicize the Sh. Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine board have been made often but the Chamber strongly believes that such institutions should be handled by the professionals and not politicians. He further said that JKB is the pride of the people of the state that not only is the backbone of the economy, helping the jobless, financing the entrepreneurs but also as a part of corporate social responsibility helping all those in the need of hour, the flood relief given in crores to the Govt. of Kerla is a glaring recent example. The Chamber advises all those who are trying to make it a PSU should desist from such attempts although the Chamber strongly advocates and believes in transparency of any institution and feels that the JKB is totally transparent and open for any inspection or information being governed by the RBI.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 2nd November2018

An urgent Press Conference was convened by JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta at Chamber House today in the wake of cowardly act of killing civilians in the Kishtwar Town yesterday by the Militants.
Sh. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI on this occasion conveyed his condolences to the families of the deceased Sh. Anil Parihar and Sh. Ajit Parihar. He appealed to the Hon'ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik to order the high level enquiry into the incident where the killing took place in the heart of Kishtwar Town and also order a massive operation to track down the killers.
The JCCI President also warned the administration that the killing of civilians would not be tolerated irrespective of cast, creed or religion and advised them to gear up the security network. He also appealed to people across the state to be vigilant and not fall prey to the ugly designs of disruptive forces as militancy was not in anybody's interest. He further appealed to all the people to maintain communal harmony and unitedly stand up against such cowardly killings.
The other Office bearers of JCCI present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 1 November 2018
In a Press Statement the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta welcomed the Press Statement made by the Hon'ble Governor Sh. Satya Pal Malik acknowledging the good work and excellent performance by J&k Bank Ltd. The JCCI is of strong view that J&K Bank Ltd. which is the only biggest listed company has brought lurals to the state of J&K not only in respect of giving huge employment, generating business opportunities and distribution of huge money under corporate social responsibility not only within the J&K state but across India and especially the flood relief given to the State of Kerela recently . The Chamber also thanks Hon'ble Governor Shri Satya Pal Malik for this encouraging statement that would give further boost to all the institutions in the state to work hard and perform better.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr.Vice President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 3rd October 2018

In an urgent communication sent to Sh. Shaleen Kabra, Chief Electoral
Officer J&K, The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta complained regarding
defacement of the city by the contesting candidates for Jammu Municipal
Corporation Elections and their supporters. The Chamber President sought
immediate intervention and action under Election rules in the communication
as under:
We would like to bring to your kind notice that we have received numerous
complaints from the people not only from the business community but from
public at large that the contesting candidates in the ongoing election
process for the Jammu Municipal Corporation have literary defaced the whole
city not only by pasting stickers on the Walls and Gates of private houses
and on public property.
We fail to understand that these candidates who are promising in the
Election Manifesto to keep city clean and carry on developments have
resorted to such actions going unchecked and we feel that this is open
violation of election rules and also bad in law.
We request your goodselves kindly to take urgent note of this and pass on
strict orders under notice to the Municipal Commissioner JMC and the DGP
for strict compliance.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 29th September 2018

Yakjah Developing Social Innovation Venture for Mental Health Care and Well Being in Jammu and Kashmir had a joint meeting with the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta at Chamber House today wherein Ms. Ashima Koul Head of Yakjah sought co operation and support from JCCI for the Mental Health Care Mission.
In a joint meeting of Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Jammu and Yakjah Reconciliation and Development Network, a non –profit youth led social innovation for social change in Jammu and Kashmir, it was decided that the Chamber will lend its support to Yakjah's emerging Mental Health and Well Being Program in Jammu and Kashmir. "This is a very important cause that Yakjah has taken up", said Rakesh Gupta, President of Chamber of Commerce and Industries. "We will support it through or network and promote its outreach to different parts of the region", he said.
The program aims to disrupt the overall mental health care dynamics in the region. It is currently at the prototype testing stage. "The design solution aims to bring mental health out of stigma closet, bridge the number gap between users and experts by training mental health coaches, reach to the last marginalized individual located at the edge of the social system through innovative technologyand bring a paradigm shift in the way we understand mental health", shared Ashima Kaul, Founder Yakjah
Jammu and Kashmir has a unique situation therefore mental health dynamics and challenges related to it are unique too. During Yakjah's residential workshops on healing and transformation that brings young people from all the three regions in a common space, personal story sharing in a mixed group helped in healing repressed emotions and feelings. These stories brought forth the enormity of the mental health reality and absence of a platform that addressed the issue from a holistic perspective. Not only people required specialized access to affordable mental health care but a new thinking and importance to create an inner balance of body mind and spirit for creating a harmonious balance. The challenge however in the State is how do we create an environment for systems change for society, businesses, education and health to flourish. Yakjah aims to provide leadership in this direction through its innovative mental health program. The program is process and stakeholders driven. It brings multiple stakeholders together for creating better solutions.
Yakjah members present in the meeting were Nitansharma from Poonch, AaamirGanie from Kashmir, Simran Kour, Sabiha Beig, KannavPadha, Dev Dutt Raina and Saira Anwar from Jammu, RitikKar from Jagti, Akshay Sharma from Akhnoor ,Kritika Bhatti from R S Pura and Diksha Andotra from Kathua
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 29th September 2018

Bonds of trust between business world and the government threatened
An urgent meeting was convened at Chamber House today to discuss the unwanted and unacceptable circular issued by the Chief Engineers EM& RE wing Jammu. It was attended by Chairman Federation of Industries Jammu Sh. Lalit Mahajan, and General Secretary Bari Brahamana Industries Association Sh. Ajay Langer, Sr. Vice President Sh. Bansi Lal Gupta and General Secretary Sh. Pardeep Vaid, Association of Industries Gangyal. Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President Chamber of Commerce & Industry apprised the members present that the said circular issued by the Chief Engineer PDD has not only left the stakeholders in shock but has also shaken the bondings of trust between us and the government. After threadbare discussions an urgent communication was sent to His Excellency the Governor J&K State for his kind immediate intervention. The communication reads as under:
At the first place we would like to thank your goodself for your much needed support to the business & industry sector in our state by sanctioning the "State Freight Refund Scheme" , and "Jammu & Kashmir Reimbursement of IGST" which were most needed for the survival of Industries in our state.
We would like to bring to your notice for kind consideration and immediate necessary action the issue of circular issued by the Chief Engineer PDD bearing no. CEJ/TS-I/Amnesty/14897-916 dated 27-09-2018 that has not only left us in shock but also has shaken the bondings of trust between the Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the government. This circular of the PDD also sounds confrontational as it challenges the sanctity of budgetary commitment.
We would like to submit as under regarding above mentioned circular by the Power Development Department
1. That it was a budget announcement 2018-19 as under:
a) Amnesty Scheme for Industrialists, Hoteliers Tourist Resort Owner, Small Scale Industries and Sick Industries-waiving off interest, penalty and surcharge on power dues.
b) Treating Hotel & Resort at par with Industries so far as payment of power tariff is concerned.
2. That this budget announcement was endorsed by the Finance Department as under:
a) Finance Department J&K Govt. Order No. 273-FD of 2018, Dated 05-06-2018.
b) Finance Department J&K Govt. Order NO. 267-FD of 2018, Dated 30-05-2018
3. At the first place the Finance department J&K government endorsed the same on 30th May and 5th June 2018. Thereafter the SOP was to be formulated by the Power Development Department to implement the same and as per the terms of the Amnesty Scheme few installments had to be deposited by 30th September 2018.
4. That this circular in question issued by the Power Development Department was neither desirable nor is acceptable at any cost come what may and the same speaks volumes and appears to be like the administrative department of PDD J&K is a sort of government within the government.
We would also like to bring to your kind notice that this order has created utter confusion among the stakeholders and many industrialists are in a state of panic about depositing the money before 30th September as per the terms of amnesty scheme because the credentials and the authority of the state government and also the legislature seems to have been challenged by the administrative department of the PDD.
We request your goodself for your kind immediate intervention and pass the necessary instructions as per our submission.
a) That the said circular should immediately be withdrawn by the PDD Chief Engineer, EM & RE Wing, Jammu.
b) That the dead line of 30th September 2018 to fulfill the conditions to avail amnesty scheme be extended for further three months as no SOP was formulated for Power Development Department leaving the stakeholders in a state of utter confusion.
c) That both the schemes of amnesty on power dues and treating Hotel & Resorts at par with Industry for the payment of power tariff be implemented in toto with immediate effect.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 25th September 2018

Today one day consultative conclave was organized by the Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Jammu in collaboration with J&K State Cooperative Union Ltd. And Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu at Chamber House. On this occasion Production of milk, Distribution of Milk and Milk Products in Jammu and pricing thereof was the main focus of the conclave. Prominent among those present were JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Director FCS& CA Sh. Amit Sharma, Chairman J&K Cooperative Union Ltd. Sh. Rajesh Sharma, President Federation of Retailers Association Sh. Yash Pal Gupta, President Chamber of Trader Federation Sh. Neeraj Anand, President Consumer Protection Forum Sh. D.R.Danish. Also present among others were Sh. Punjab Singh, Sh. G.D.Bakshi, Choudhary Jameel, Sh. Kulbhushan Khajuria, Mohd. Shafi Chichi, Sh. Rashpal Singh, Sh. Sat Pal Singh. Dr. S.K. Diwedi from SKUAST , Sh. Joginder Singh Jasrotia, Dy. Director FCS&CA and Vice President JCCI Sh. Rajeev Gupta.
During the event the producers of milk claimed that they were incurring huge losses by not getting even the cost price and requested the Director FCS& CA to look into the matter who not only agreed to their demand but also announced that the representative of milk producers association shall be made a part of the survey and pricing committee. The Director FCS& CA said that the festive season is fast approaching so the matter regarding repricing of milk and milk product shall be taken soon after the festive season.
Mr. Yash Pal Gupta and Mr. Neeraj Anand also voiced their views and supported the producers and seller of milk. Mr. Rajesh Sharma, President J&K Cooperative Union Ltd. Thanked the JCCI and said that it was for the first time ever that milk producers and representative of farmers were invited to Chamber house and their demands taken up by the Chamber. Mr. Rakesh Gupta President JCCI appealed to the Director FCS& CA and the representative from the legal metrology department to cooperate with the milk sellers during the festive season and asked the department that meeting on regular basis between the government / farmers / milk producers and trade representatives shall be made a regular features so that there is not trust deficit which shall contribute not only towards the confidence building but also making aware the producers and the sellers about the safety standards as required under law.
(Rajeev Gupta)
Jr. Vice Presiden
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 21 August 2018

A farewell cum felicitation function was organised at Chamber House today to thank Sh. Arun Manhas,KAS, for his great services to the people of Jammu who has been recently transferred to Samba district.
On this occasion Sh. S.D Singh Jamwal, IPS, IGP Jammu was Chief Guest. Sh. Ramesh Kumar, IAS Dy. Commissioner was also present and President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his team and prominent business people were also present in the function.
On this occasion Chamber President also thanked Sh. Arun Manhas ADC Samba for the swift action under the directions of DC Samba Smt. Sushma Chouhan to make the site of proposed AIIMS encumbrance free as the demand for AIIMS was firstly put out by the Chamber in 2015.
Sh. Arun Manhas, KAS in his address heartfully thanked for the cooperation of JCCI and also of the people of Jammu.
The other Office bearers present in the meeting include Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Rajeev Gupta))
Jr. Vice resident
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 13th September 2018

The President Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sh. Rakesh Gupta visited the town of Sopore in Kashmir to visit the house of Sh. Ghulam Rasool Ganai Ex-President of NPDA who breathed his last recently. The Chamber President was accompanied by Haji Mohd. Ashraf President Traders Federation of Sopore, Sh. Hussain Shah and Sh. Mohd. Muzaffar Shah both Ex-Presidents of the ‘NORTHERN PHARMACEUTICAL DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION SOPORE' and Sh. Abdul Rafia Allaqaband, EX-General Secretary Srinagar Pharmaceutical Distributors Association. The President conveyed his condolence to the family of the deceased and described him as a strong and tall leader who dedicatedly worked for the welfare of his association. Later the JCCI President visited the office of Traders Federation Sopore where both the Presidents discussed common problems being faced in business and pledged for unity among the business people in the state and promote communal harmony.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 10 September 2018

President Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Jammu calls on DGP
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 10: The President Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jammu, Shri Rakesh Gupta called on Director General of Police, Shri Dilbag Singh at Police Headquarters here this afternoon and congratulated him for taking over as Director General of Police, J&K.
Shri Rakesh Gupta, President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jammu placed before the DGP some demands including increasing of patrolling during night in Jammu city. The DGP assured Shri Gupta that he will direct the concerned police to look into the matter.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 11 August 2018

A farewell function was organised at Chamber House today to thank Sh. Sunil Gupta, IPS for his great services to the people of Jammu & Kashmir for the last 11 years whose services have been placed recently with the Utter Pradesh Government which is also his home state.
On this occasion Sh. Arun Manhas, ADC Jammu was also present and President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith his team and prominent business people were also present in the function.
Sh. Sunil Gupta, IPS in his address heartfully thanked for the cooperation of JCCI and also of the people of J&K. He also wished that peace may come in the state at the earliest.
The other Office bearers present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 31st July 2018

Anisha Safaya, the reigning queen of Mrs. India 2017-18 and one of the youngest women Vice Presidents in an Investment Bank in UK who was recently conferred with Time of India Women achievers award 2018 and also awarded by UK based Civil Society Group "She Inspires Award" at the House of Common and featured as one of the top 50 most influential Indian Women worldwide today organized awareness workshop towards capacity building and economic empowerment of women as a part of her project "DISHA" THE MULTIFACETED SHE AT THE CHAMBER HOUSE today.
Anisha Safaya a migrant Kashmiri Pandit girl from the State of J&K said that she was committed to help and guide the women worldwide and especially in her home state.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 30th July 2018
The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer called on Sh. Khurshid Ahmad Ganai,IAS, Advisor to His Excellency the Governor J&K and submitted a Memorandum regarding the problems being faced at Fruit Mandi Narwal, holding of National Artists Camp in Jammu, continuation of Pick and Drop facility by Inter State Buses at Bus Stand BC Road, Early completion of Artificial Lake Project on River Tawi in Jammu. The Chamber President also demanded that specific ad. campaign by the Tourism department be launched to highlight all the religion tourism circuits of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shadhra Sharief and Nangali Sahib which shall not only promote tourism but also communal harmony. The detailed Memorandum submitted reads as under:
Problems of Fruit Market Narwal Jammu
The Fruit & Vegetables Market Narwal Jammu was to be developed on 800 Kanals of land on modern and scientific lines so as to be one of the Main Fruits Market in the Northern India.
Against 800 kanals of land Mandi has been developed on 326 kanals of land till date. 200 kanals has been taken back by Railways, while 125 kanals continue to be forest land and rest land has been given to agencies such as NHPC, Banks, fisheries department and the locals by the JDA.
With manifold increase in fresh and dry fruit production, which was 4 lacs metric tons in 1980 has now gone up to 27 lakh metric tons during the year 2017 and it is expected to touch 40 lakh metric tons within the next few years.
About 10 to 15 thousand people visit this market daily from across J&K and others states of the country which includes growers, traders, exporters, buyers, security forces, transporters etc. besides 3 to 4 thousand workers are permanently putting up in the complex on the premises of shop owners.
This Mandi being the largest revenue / employment generating market in the state, but the Mandi has been ignored in respect of basic infrastructure facilities.
The Demands
1. Establishment of Mega Market with food processing Park
Keeping in view of growing quantum of horticulture produce, increase of LOC trade, the economic activity in the mandi has increased manifold, resulting in pressing in adequacy of space.
We request the government to acquire 1500 kanals of land for expansion of the market with modern facilities like Cold Storage, auction sheds, processing units, ripening Chambers, Warehousing, transport yard and all other modern infrastructure required for the future development of new mandi complex. In this connection decision was taken in 3rd state agriculture board meeting held on 03-06-2018 at Srinagar under which a committee was constituted to select suitable land for the integrated mega market at Jammu.
It is well known fact that more than 40% of the fruit / vegetable produce in the country is wasted. Food processing minimizes the wastage thereby boosting the rural economy. Govt. of India is providing all facilities as well as finance to establish the food park. Processing facilities will boost economy of the state in particular and of the country in general. We request focused endeavour for establishment of food park within the mega market in Jammu.
2. Transfer of Forest Land Narwal Jammu to Horticulture (P&M Department)
Till Mega Marketing is established by the government, repeated request have been made to the government to transfer the forest land adjacent to existing fruit and vegetables market Narwal to the Horticulture (P&M Department) for which a cabinet decision has been taken in the year 1997 so that the department can accommodate left over shop allottees and utilize the rest land exclusively for construction of auction sheds and parking lots. In this connection decision was taken in 5th State Agriculture board meeting held in 6-2015 that administrative department will prepare cabinet memo to place this issue before the state cabinet, but till date fruitful result is awaited.
3. Transfer of Lease Hold rights
We have been making representations to the concern appropriate authority for reasonable simplifications of lease hold rights of transfer procedure which in the nature of allotment is permitted which is clearly testify under clause 41 of the bylaws of the agriculture produce market committee act. Jammu Development Authority during its jurisdiction has formulated certain norms for the transfer. Horticulture(P&M Department) under APMC has been creating many hurdles from time to time lastly Director Horticulture (P&M ) has stopped the transfer unless it is in the family though nothing is on the record. It will not be out of place to mention here that this market has been developed by the allottees themselves with the very marginal funds from the planning department further it is to submit that due to financial crises, old age, higher education of children and other domestic problems, lease hold rights are being transferred among the traders who are only dealing with fresh and dry fruit trade. We sincerely expect your dynamic leadership to permit us to convert lease hold rights into free hold as it prevalent in various colonies / areas development by the government.
4. Remodeling of Shops design in the market complex
Some 38 years back a model design of shop was suggested for fruit market Narwal Jammu by the JDA. With the increase in production of fruit/ vegetables, it is very difficult for shop owners to operate from premises with limited accommodation. We had to provide living accommodation to the large number of growers, buyers and workers. There was an urgent need to review and modify this old design. We have suggested many times that the new design may have full-fledged basement for providing cold storage units for the fruits and 3 stories 1 +3 for providing living facilities to growers, buyers, labourers and other people linked with this fruit trade. Now the type design which was approved by Commissioner/ Secretary to Government Agriculture production department I its meeting held on 14 march 2016 is of 1 + 2 without basement (government order for this is awaited) this will definitely not help the commission agents to provide better services to the society at large and growers in particular. We now look forward from the government to take this matter in more serious manner in view of latest physical technology, to meet the requirement.
5. Providing for Canteen Facility in the market
Since functioning of market starts early in the morning and continues till late in the evening, a common man can imagine the need of the canteen facility. The association has identified 2 sites and the locations had also been shown to the horticulture (P&M department ) inspite of assurances this facility has not been provided as yet. This facility needs to be provided on top priority basis.
6. No objection Certificate
No objection certificate of the shops sites are required to meet the financial requirement of the establishment. As it is known to everybody that these days it is very difficult to operate without the financial help of the banks and banks require mortgage. For that NOC should be issued by taking assurance from the concern associations.
7. Development of Phase II
Phase II of the market was developed by the JDA in the year 1992 and development charges were recovered from the concern shops allottees but no infrastructure facilities have been provided by the concerned authorities till date.
We urge to take considered and sympathetic view of the genuine demands which shall help in boosting the economy of the state.
Artificial Lake of River Tawi
We would like to draw your kind attention towards very prestigious sanctioned but incomplete project of Artificial Lake on River Tawi in Jammu. We would like to submit that for one reason or the other best known to the Administration this project is still incomplete and no works are being carried on the said project on which a sum of Rs. 80 crores approx. has already been spent.
We would like to submit to your goodselves kindly to intervene and get the things sorted out so that this project which on completion shall be major attraction to retain the religious pilgrims in Jammu City sees the light of the day.
Holding of National Artist Camp in Jammu
Please find enclosed herewith a proposal given to Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry by a famous artist Son of soil Sh. Kamlesh K. Gandhi. The JCCI is of the view that holding of such national painters camp shall pave way for developing the talent of the youth in this trouble torn state & project the name of our state across nation and abroad too for supporting such an initiative.
We request your goodselves to kindly pass on necessary instructions to the concerned department for evaluation and necessary action.
Pickup and drop facility at Bus Stand
We would like to bring to your kind notice that in the past when the prestigious Bus Stand project was started on modernization lines it was decided in a meeting in the Divisional Commissioner Office that all Inter State Buses shall continue to pick up and drop passengers at Bus Stand BC Road Jammu.
Sir, we would like to state that the business in the old city is totally depended on the tourists visiting Jammu and this Pick up and drop facility at Bus Stand shall not only save the economy of the small traders but also the tourists coming to the state shall feel secure being picked up and dropped in the heart of the city, where after such Inter State Buses will be parked at ISBT Narwal.
We request your goodselves to kindly pass on necessary instructions to the concern so that the same mechanism carries on.
(Rakesh Gupta) President
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 23rd July 2018

On the request of Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta the Executive President J&K Bank Sh. R.K.Chibber and Zonal Head J&K Bank Jammu Sh. Sudhir Gupta visited Chamber House today. On this occasion the visiting dignitaries were honoured and welcomed. The Executive President Sh. R.K. Chibber apprised the Chamber team regarding various initiatives being taken by the bank in the interest of the Industrialists and the Traders. The Chamber team thanked the Executive President for the various CSR activities being undertaken by the bank which were helping the needy in a big way.
The other Office bearers present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 JCCI Warns Agitation against discrimination with Jammu 16th July 2018

Today an urgent Press Conference was conveyed at Chamber House after seeking feedback from Trade/ Industrial Associations, Social / Religious Organisations and various Student Unions. The Chamber of Commerce & Industry is of the view that the discrimination with Jammu region is continuing in every sphere be it development of Infra, Zero Health Care facilities, rampant corruption and unchecked menace of drugs.
Speaking on the occasion Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta squarely blamed Dr. Nirmal Singh the present Speaker of J&K State Legislative Assembly and the Ex-Dy. Chief Minister as solely responsible for neglecting the issues and aspirations of Jammu in over three years of coalition rule on account of total non-performance and failure to coordinate with his team of Ministers leaving people of Jammu Province shattered and feeling cheated for the mandate given. On this occasion President JCCI appealed to one and all to get ready for the final fight for justice soon after the conclusion of Amarnath Yatra if the long pending demands are not addressed on urgent basis which have already been brought to the notice of Hon'ble Governor Sh. N.N. Vohra through a written communication. The JCCI has already decided to meet in person the hon'ble Governor J&K, Respected Advisors and the Chief Secretary shortly mainly on the issues of relocating Rohiangyas, Construction of AIIMS on fast track basis, resumption of work for Artificial Lake on River Tawi, Infra at Suchetgarh for Border Tourism, Completion of Mubarak Mandi on Heritage Lines and outsourcing of Super Speciality Hospital at Meheshpura. The Chamber President also said that the land mark decisions taken earlier this year by the coalition government regarding amnesty on power, Refund of SGST, Power Tariff as per Industry for Hotels and Resorts needs to be implemented on fast track basis.
The Chamber expressed displeasure over the unchecked menace of drugs threatening the younger generations and no effective measures including changes to be considered in the prevalent laws so that drug peddlers are not bailed out. The Chamber President also would like to bring into the notice of administration that few Babus in the administration are sitting over the files which are gathering dust for want of bribes and feels that there should be some accountability, time fame for the clearance of files lying in the Secretariat. The Chamber also urges to His Excellency to allow the Central Investigating agencies to intervene and investigate the matters regarding corruption by Ministers / Babus as the State Watch Dog Agencies have failed to do enough which speaks volumes in the state which Chamber feels is most notorious.
The other office bearers present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 10th July 2018

On the request of President JCCI Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, IAS Deputy Commissioner Jammu / Commissioner JMC visited Chamber house today. On this occasion the Presidents of different Bazar Association were present and an interactive session was held. The problems of lack of public conveyance Toilets, Dustbins, non-availability / damaged water coolers, shifting of few dumping sites away from markets, transfer of title of shops at Old Hospital Road, discrimination with 39 shop allottees at parade to refugees of 1947 was discussed and brought to the notice of the visiting guest.
Sh. Ramesh Kumar, IAS on this occasion assured that all the matters shall be dealt on priority and speedy action shall be taken. He also conveyed to all the Bazar associations that soon a yellow line shall be drawn in every market and no one shall be allowed to put any sort of material beyond that line, failing which action shall be taken under law.
The other office bearers present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta) Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 28th June 2018

On the request of JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta, Sh. Sunil Gupta who has been recently promoted to the Post of President / Zonal Head J&K Bank Ltd. and Posted at Corporate Office Srinagar visited Chamber House today and was welcomed by the Chamber team. On this occasion the Chamber team thanked Mr. Sunil Gupta for his contribution, positive approach and helpful attitude towards making entrepreneurs as well as the bank to prosper by leaps and bounds and was accorded farewell and good wishes.
The Office Bearers of CCI present on this occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer. Also present were Sh. Vinod Sachdeva, leading Businessman, Sh. Vijay Saraf also prominent businessman and Honorary Secretary Amar Singh Club.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
In an urgent communication to His Excellency the Governor J&K State, the JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta has sought and requested urgent intervention regarding sanctioned / uncompleted projects in Jammu and also demanded relocating of Rohingyas. The communication reads as under:
We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the long pending demands of Jammu Chamber regarding the pending sanctioned Projects pertaining to Tourism, Industry, Infra, Internal Security and Health.
Sir, the Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry has always been putting forth the demands and suggestions that would make Jammu a self reliant economy and in this context we request your goodselves kindly to pass on urgent necessary instructions to the concerned regarding the pending Suchetgarh Border Tourism Project, Artificial Lake on River Tawi, Mubarak Mandi Heritage Complex, Raghunath Bazar and Kanak Mandi Heritage Circuit, Bahu Fort Gandola Project and development of Banks of River Tawi on the pattern of Sabarmati.
Sir, it is pertinent to note that the Suchetgarh Border Tourism project has already been sanctioned by the Government of India to the best of our knowledge and it was Chamber's suggestion to hold BSF Parade on our side of border on the pattern of Wagha Border. The Artificial Lake Project in River Tawi has been long over delayed and crossed many deadlines because of the reasons best known to the concerned department, which may please be looked into urgently. Again the Mubarak Mandi Heritage Project which Jammuites have been hearing for more than a decade is somehow lacking proper follow up which may also be looked into.
Sir, the Bahu Fort Gandola Project, trial of which was done recently needs to be thrown open for public as soon as possible. The announcement made by the government none other than Dy. Chief Minister that time (December 29, 2015) regarding the development of Banks of River Tawi on the lines of Sabarmati Project needs urgent intervention from your office & be looked into and all the projects we have stated above are something which will be cynosure to retain the tourists for few days in Jammu and shall contribute in a big way to the economy of Jammu as well as the state as a whole.
Sir, It was recently announced that Dubai Ports World and the Government of Jammu & Kashmir entered into a MOU on 11th February 2018 witnessed by none other than the Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Bhai Modi signed at Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi and given a hope to the Chamber that it will be a big project towards bringing in huge FDI, creating massive employment and also helping the entrepreneurs in the state to carry on imports and exports hassle free. The Jammu Chamber feels shocked after hearing that the copy of the MOU is not available with the Industry Department in our state. We request your goodselves to immediately intervene and call the concerned for presentation to your goodselves so that this dream project could take off.
Sir, it has been decades that Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) project of more than 129 crores was sanctioned but never saw the light of the day. It speaks volumes about rampant corruption going unquestioned by successive governments. We request your goodselves to pass on necessary instructions so that the same could be completed at the earliest.
Internal Security
Sir, it has been a long pending demand and a matter which was firstly taken up by the Jammu Chamber to deport Rohingya illegal migrants from Jammu as the Chamber feels they are a big threat not only to the communal harmony but also to Internal security. The matter is subjudice before the Supreme Court of India and something between the two countries. We request your goodselves to take effective steps firstly to concentrate these Rohingyas in a camp who have mixed with the general population across the state and then relocate them to some other place out of Jammu.
Sir, we at Chamber and also as Jammuites feel that it is nothing less than human rights & fundamental rights violation that we have the worst health care services available in Jammu and in emergency cases people have to rush to the neighbouring states. The announcement of sanctioning of AIIMS at Jammu after an agitation in 2015 by Chamber, it seems that the government has made a mockery of the sentiments of Jammuites. We request your goodselves to take up this matter on priority so that the project sees the light of the day.
We also request you that till the AIIMS project becomes functional which shall take few years down the line, the Super Specialty Hospital at Meheshpura Jammu be out sourced on the pattern of MOU between the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board and Narayana Hospital through an open offer in the best interests of the suffering humanity for better health care.
(Rakesh Gupta)
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
Press Note
The Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Sh. Rakesh Gupta alongwith the Sr. Vice President Sh. Rajesh Gupta and Vice President Sh. Rajeev Gupta visited the spot where Shujaat Buhkari the Editor in Chief of Rising kashmir was killed by the bullets of hatred laced with death outside his office on June 15 last week in the heart of Srinagar city. The JCCI teams lit candles and offered flowers at the site outside press enclave and prayed for peace to the departed noble soul.
The Chamber President said that the marks of the bullets on the wall were still clearly visible and strongly condemned the killing of a promoter of peace and dialogue. He further said that this killing speaks volumes about the security situation in the state where no one was feeling safe hence urgent appropriate measures were needed to be taken to give a sense of security to a common man. He also said that the works of Sujhaat Sahib towards building bridges to bring peace shall not be forgotten and also appealed to one and all to unite against the face of ugly terror unconditionally.
The Chamber President also said that all those who were connected to Shujaat Sahib should take his unfinished work to the final conclusion and should not deterred by the threats whatsoever.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note
Sh. Kavinder Gupta, Hon'ble Dy. Chief Minister / Minister for Industries & Commerce and Transport today visited Chamber House and interacted with the Industrialists and Senior Members of Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Sh. Rakesh Gupta, President Chamber of Commerce & Industry welcomed the Hon'ble Dy. Chief Minister and submitted a Memorandum which reads as under:
Industrial Matters
>> That the Transport Subsidy incentivization announced for a small section of Industries is unjustified and needs to be revisited and be allowed to all industries making interstate transportation.
>> That it was first time ever that the long pending demand of announcing amnesty on power bills was addressed by your coalition government by way of announcement in the budget speech but the notification for the same is yet to be issued resulting not only huge financial loss to the government but also harassment to our members from Industries.
>> That it was again for the first time ever that the Hoteliers got a new life line by the announcement in the budget that their Power Tariffs shall be at par with the Industries. It is pertinent to note that to the best of our information the notification for the same is under process but we would like to bring into your kind notice that the electricity bills received by the hoteliers across the state have been billed on old pattern and the Chamber has advised the hoteliers not to pay such bills. We request your goodselves to pass on necessary instructions for an early notification in this regard with retrospective effect from 1st April 2018 and also necessary directions to the PDD department to raise revised bills as per the expected notification.
>> That in the GST regime the Industrial Units not registered with the excise department are not getting any benefit of the 42% of CGST to be reimbursed by the state. We request your goodselves kindly make it possible that atleast 42% of the CGST is reimbursed by the state to such Industrial units.
>> That there are many industrial units whose purchases of raw material attract inward GST but their products being exempted and under zero% category on sale, there is no outward tax resulting in increased price of raw material. We request your goodselves to frame a policy for such units so that they can also be benefitted at par with other industries.
>> That it is a long pending demand that all Industrial units having state subjects be conferred free hold rights of the Industrial Plots allotted to them so that they can avail better financing from banking institutions.
>> That we also request your goodselves to allow all Industries to carry on trading activity inside their premises in the Industrial estates for the products being produced by such units.
>> That setting up of New Industries is the need of the hour for better economy in our state but there are zero% incentives for setting up of such new industrial units which may kindly be relooked at.
>> That the Prices of the Plots in the Industrial Estates and the transfer fees are very much on the higher side so it is requested to your goodselves to revisit the Industrial Policy by way of constituting a high level committee which may submit its report in a time bound manner.
>> That "Ease of doing business" we feel is still just a slogan and needs enormous efforts to bring transparency in all concerned departments which we feel is possible under your dedicated and sincere leadership.
>> That 2% incentives in lieu of CST on interstate sales by Industries announced in the budget is still pending for want of notification.
>> That the position of custodian at the trade facilitation centre Chakan-da-bagh is lying vacant for the last three months resulting in huge loss of business and rampant corruption. We request your goodselves to immediately order posting of any officer of integrity as custodian there.
Dry Port in Jammu
We request your goodselves that it was first ever Dry Port in Jammu announced by way of a MOU with the Dubai Ports group in presence of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Bhai Modi which needs to be taken up seriously as it would bring in 1500 Crores of foreign direct investment and also boost the imports and exports and the overall economy of Jammu region too.
Transport Issue
>> That it has been observed that the new registration process for vehicles has been partially made ONLINE at the dealer end which we feel should be fully ONLINE at par with the neighbouring states.
>> That it has also come to our notice and many people across have represented to us the need for having atleast two ARTO's offices in Jammu.
>> That in case of registration of non-commercial vehicles the approval of the state high powered committee constituted for the new models needs to be scraped with immediate effect at par with the neighbouring states.
Besides Sh. Lalit Mahajan, Chairman FOI, Sh. Ajay Langer, General Secretary BBIA, Sh. PArdeep Vaid, General Secretary ASSI, Gangyal, the office bearers of CCI present on the occasion i include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 25th may 2018
Press Note 25th May 2018
In a Press Conference today at Chamber House JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta condemned the unprovoked firing from Pakistani side on International Border in the Jammu region and also the cowardly act of throwing a Grenade last night in heart of Jammu City. The Chamber President also conveyed his grave concern on the Power Scenario even after huge spending of thousands of crores of rupees by the government of India in the power sector of Jammu & Kashmir.
The Chamber President while speaking said that the design of Pakistan establishment to disrupt the communal harmony in the State of J&K by their cowardly acts shall never see the light of the day. He further said that the Chamber feels that such acts by Pakistani agents are just an outcome of frustration as they have failed to disrupt peace and communal harmony in the State of J&K. The Chamber President appealed to all the sections of the Society irrespective of cast creed and religion to remain united in this hour of need & be together to fail the ulterior motives of the enemy.
The Chamber President also urges upon the Government of India and the State Government to complete the construction of Bunkers on War footing in the border areas to avoid the loss of precious lives and property which happens always whenever the borders are in a war like situation. The Chamber President said that the positive response from the People of Kashmir in lieu of the conditional ceasefire announced by Government of India has left Pakistan frustrated beyond description.
Chamber President demands a judicial enquiry into the Power crises situation at a time when Jammu is reeling under intense heat of more than 40 degrees. The Chamber questions the spending of thousands of crores of rupees of tax payers on the power infra in the state which has brought no relief to a common man. The Chamber condemns the poor management and quality and reliability of purchases made for improvement of power infra in the recent years. The frequent power cuts and tripping has resulted in immense financial loss to the Industries and the business establishments for which such corrupt system is responsible. This type of mismanagement, frequent power cuts and high power tariff forces us to once again demand the return of power projects whose agreements have already expired back to the state of J&K. The Chamber appeals to Shri Sunil Sharma, Hon'ble Minister for Power Development who is known for his integrity to personally intervene and not only bring the culprits to book but also fix accountability on the highest and the lowest level so that the system is accountable.
The other office bearers present in the Press Conference include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 8th may 2018
Press Note 17th May 2018
In an urgent meeting convened at Chamber house to review the non implementation of Budget announcement regarding charging of Industrial Electricity Tariff from the Hotels across the state, the Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta in consultation with his office bearers decided to advise all the Hotel owners not to pay electricity bills raised by the PDD for the month of April 2018 in contravention of the budget announcement. The Chamber also sent out an urgent communication to the Hon'ble Finance Minister Sayed Mohd. Altaf Bukhari which read as under :-
This is in reference to the Budget announcement made earlier that the electricity tariff to be charged from the Hotels across the state shall be at the same cost as being billed to the industries. We would like to submit that the PDD department has already raised the bills to the hotels for the month of April 2018, but the Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry is going to advise all the hoteliers not to make payments against such bills received as per non industrial electric tariff.
We request your goodselves to issue proper SRO announcing industrial electricity tariff to be charged from the hotels at an early date with retrospective effect from 1st April 2018.
The other office bearers of CCI present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 8th may 2018
Press Note 17th May 2018
In an urgent meeting convened at Chamber house to review the non implementation of Budget announcement regarding charging of Industrial Electricity Tariff from the Hotels across the state, the Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta in consultation with his office bearers decided to advise all the Hotel owners not to pay electricity bills raised by the PDD for the month of April 2018 in contravention of the budget announcement. The Chamber also sent out an urgent communication to the Hon'ble Finance Minister Sayed Mohd. Altaf Bukhari which read as under :-
This is in reference to the Budget announcement made earlier that the electricity tariff to be charged from the Hotels across the state shall be at the same cost as being billed to the industries. We would like to submit that the PDD department has already raised the bills to the hotels for the month of April 2018, but the Jammu Chamber of Commerce & Industry is going to advise all the hoteliers not to make payments against such bills received as per non industrial electric tariff.
We request your goodselves to issue proper SRO announcing industrial electricity tariff to be charged from the hotels at an early date with retrospective effect from 1st April 2018.
The other office bearers of CCI present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
An urgent meeting of all the major Bazar Associations was convened today at the Chamber House on the request of President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sh. Rakesh Gupta to discuss various burning issues including random notices issued by the Jammu Municipal Corporation and to discuss the fall out of Jammu Bandh call before on 11th April 2018 which was not support by the Chamber.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 8th may 2018
An urgent meeting was convened at Chamber house today. The President Sh. Rakesh Gupta felt extremely agonized over the incident of alleged attack on a leisure tourist and a young Kashmiri Girl being targeted by the Stone Pelters yesterday resulting into the death of a tourist and leaving the girl child critically injured.
The JCCI feels that J&K is known for the hospitality all over the world and guests coming in are always treated as next to god. It was for the first time in the history that a leisure tourist has been targeted which is a matter of great concern. It shall not be out of place to mention that the tourism is the backbone of the economy of our state and keeps the kitchen fire stoked for most Kashmiries in particular. Any attempt to target the tourists would mean hitting the economy and livelihood of every common man.
Chamber feels that crore of rupees sincerely spent by the government on the road shows to promote tourism has all gone down the drain. The Chamber also feels that the amnesty given to the stone pelters was a great gesture by both the state as well as government of India but now needs to be relooked at.
The Chamber President while referring to his recent visits to Bangaluru and Chennai to make a sincere endeavour asking the civil societies and the college students to always deal with students from J&K with utmost love has today hung our heads down in shame.
The Chamber feels that it is not the time for blame game to score political brownie points and appeals to people from all spectrums, social, civil societies main stream political parties and joint resistance movement leaders to rise above different ideologies, agendas and party politics to role their hands together to ensure restoration of calm/ sense of security on the streets of Kashmir. A joint appeal from all is the dire need of the hour to the youth to shun path of violence.
The Chamber feels perplexed that in what direction the youth of Kashmir are moving, where even the school kids, young girls and tourists are being targeted. It is the time to think deep as to what will be the final outcome of all that is happening and who shall be responsible and answerable to the generations to come.
The other Office Bearers of CCI present in the meeting include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
(Manish Gupta)
Secretary General
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 25th April 2018

An urgent meeting of all the major Bazar Associations was convened today at the Chamber House on the request of President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sh. Rakesh Gupta to discuss various burning issues including random notices issued by the Jammu Municipal Corporation and to discuss the fall out of Jammu Bandh call before on 11th April 2018 which was not support by the Chamber.
The Presidents of all Major Bazar Associations were present and threadbare discussions were held regarding major issues and the steps to be taken in the near future. It was also informed to all those Present that 11 Member disciplinary committee shall soon decide and recommend appropriate action against the members who were involved in misconduct detrimental against the interest of the Chamber as per the constitution of Chamber. The Presidents of all the major bazar associations reposed their full faith in the Chamber team and were unanimously of the view that Chamber's stand has always been justified based on facts and logic
The other Office bearers of CCI present on the occasion include Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sr. Vice President, Sh. Rajeev Gupta, Jr. Vice President, Sh. Manish Gupta, Secretary General and Sh. Ashu Gupta, Treasurer.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Regd.)
O.B-31 Rail Head Complex Jammu
Phones: 0191-2472255, 2472266
CCJ/18/2018 Press Note 10th April 2018

An urgent Press Conference was convened at the Chamber house today on the directions of President Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu Sh. Rakesh Gupta to clarify the stand of Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jammu on the "Jammu Bandh Call" given by the J&K High Court Bar Association Jammu for April 11,2018.
Speaking at the Press Conference the Chamber President Sh. Rakesh Gupta stated that the JCCI has always considered the Bar Association of Jammu as an elderly body but the Jammu Bandh announced by the Bar Association is a unilateral decision ignoring the facts hence JCCI
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